Tourist season is well underway in Yellowstone National Park, and now, so is the elk calving season, which comes with a “danger” label.
Why? Because cow elk are much more aggressive towards people during the calving season, and they may run towards you or kick you, the park warned Friday.
“DANGER: Elk calving season has begun in Yellowstone National Park,” the headline reads.
“Be aware of your surroundings!” the park states.

Inevitably, some tourists ignore the warnings and get charged and/or hurt.
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Nevertheless, the park issues annual warnings hoping tourists heed them. Here are some of the others:
- Stay alert. Look around corners before exiting buildings or walking around blind spots: cow elk may bed their calves near buildings and under cars.
- Always keep at least 25 yards from elk.
- If an elk runs toward you, find shelter in your vehicle or behind a tall, sturdy barrier as quickly as possible.
- You are responsible for your own safety.
- Attacks can be unprovoked and unpredictable.
Photo courtesy of Yellowstone National Park.