Year 12 exam season has begun and this year’s crop is truly hating it. Multiple members of the graduating class have taken to TikTok to bitch and moan about the English exam and I feel their pain in my bones. Let’s chat about it.
High school student Lara, (@thatspicypisces444) expressed her frustrations in a three-minute rant that captured the hearts and minds of the populous.
At the time of writing, the video had clocked over 130,000 views.
“What the hell was that?” she began.
“What was the stapling, first of all … that was a horrible start to the exam.”
The stapling has been a point of contention since at least 2022 with multiple members of last year’s graduates complaining about the shoddy job.
“I was literally doing origami trying to flick through the bloody papers, who stapled that shit,” wrote one student on social media at the time.
Lara went on to explain that they’d been asked to talk about how someone preferred “the feeling of gravel and dirt [dust] on their feet, opposed to water and sand”.
Honestly, if it were me sitting that exam, I would simply pass away.
I’d much rather catch up on some light reading (Sudoku: Beginner Level).
Another drawback of this year’s exam, according to Lara, was that there was no image to write about.
That’s straight up discrimination.
Gen Z is an image and video-based generation.
How dare you subject them to talk about written stimulus as opposed to an image!!!
Another gripe was that someone with the surname Dahl was credited as having written one of the stimuli.
However, it wasn’t Roald Dahl, the famous children’s author, it was Sophie Dahl, his granddaughter, who also happens to be an author.
It’s giving nepo grand-baby.
“That was very misleading,” Lara contended.
This isn’t the first time year 12 exams have faced criticism for being weird AF.
In 2012, VCE authorities had to apologise for the accidental inclusion of a “phantom robot” in the stimulus image.
The post Year 12s Are Fumin’ Over This Year’s HSC English Exam & I Reckon I’d Straight Up Flunk It Too appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .