Notes come from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
Paul Vriend photographed a long-eared owl in a thicket off a path of North Side park. “I don’t see this type of owl very often in the city,” he emailed. “It mostly slept but woke up to yawn.”
There’s a number of possible explanation for the yawn.
WOTW, the celebration of wild stories and photos around Chicago outdoors, runs most weeks in the special two-page outdoors section in the Sun-Times Sports Saturday. To make submissions, email BowmanOutside@gmail.com or contact me on Facebook (Dale Bowman), Twitter (@BowmanOutside) or Instagram (@BowmanOutside).
“Really, the only thing a psychiatrist can do that a good (fishing) guide can’t is write prescriptions.”
John Gierach, in “Still Life with Brook Trout”
Through Sunday, Jan. 15: Chicago Boat Show, McCormick Place South
Through Sunday, Jan. 15: Chicago Travel & Adventure Show, Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont
Through Sunday, Jan. 15: Spring Lake Izaak Walton Outdoor Show, 4700 W. 49th Avenue, Hobart, Ind.
Friday, Jan. 20 to Jan. 22: Muskie Expo Chicago, Kane County Fairgrounds, St. Charles
Next Saturday, Jan. 21 to Jan. 22: Capt. Dan Keating Schools, Lake Michigan Angler, Winthrop Harbor, Salmon Foundations, Salmon 101, Jan. 21, Advanced Tactics & Seasonal Strategies, Jan. 22
Next Saturday, Jan. 21: Musky Swap Meet, Quad County Hawg Hunters chapter of Muskies, Inc., St. Charles Moose Lodge, Duane Landmeier, dlandmeier@frontier.com
Tuesday, Jan. 17: Wet n Wild Outfitters’ Trevor James with a panel of five ice-fishing pros, Arlington Anglers, Poplar Creek Banquets, Hoffman Estates, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 18 (One time day change): Minnesota guide Luke Ronnestrand, Chicagoland Muskie Hunters chapter of Muskies, Inc., North Branch Pizza & Burger Co., Glenview, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 18: Jim Kopjo: “Ice fishing north central Minnesota with Dave Genz,” South Side Muskie Hawks, Vince’s Restaurant and Pizzeria, Chicago, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 19: Capt Doug Kloet on ice fishing, Fish Tales Fishing Club, Worth Township offices, Alsip, 7 p.m.
Next Saturday, Jan. 21: Northerly Island, noon-3 p.m., info at chicagoparkdistrict.com/polar-adventure-days
Through Sunday, Jan. 15: Second portion, Special CWD/late winter antlerless deer season
Sunday, Jan. 15: Archery deer and turkey seasons end
Sunday, Jan. 15: Pheasant, quail, partridge, south zone, ends
Wednesday, Jan. 18: Deadline, second lottery application, spring turkey hunting
Thursday, Jan. 19: Canada goose, north zone, ends