So you want to be a professional baseball player, huh? Sounds like a good time, right? Get paid a ton of money to play games almost every night for about six months, get to travel a lot and stay in nice hotels. That all does sound like a really nice way to make a living.
That’s all great in theory but I don’t think any of us would have any fun trying to get hits off MLB pitchers these days because these guys are throwing a lot of filthy pitches that just don’t seem fair.
Need more proof of that? Look at these two pitches thrown yesterday by Yankees reliever Greg Weissert. Pay special attention to the second pitch in this video, the 81 mph slider that falls off the planet at the last second.
Greg Weissert, 95mph Sinker and 81mph Slider, Individual Pitches + Overlay pic.twitter.com/dbT3EA8L90
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) August 29, 2022
Did you see how that ball was in the middle of the strike zone and then at the last second it was not? My goodness.
Twitter was in awe.
Greg Weissert is a wizard who casts the spell on baseballs!
🧙✨ https://t.co/KUGf8PrHHm— ExcitingBaseball (@ExcitingBaseba1) August 29, 2022
Okay that slider is actual witchcraft. Falling off the table doesn't even describe it right
— Jesse_Beanbag (@Jesse_Uplinger) August 29, 2022
What on earth are you supposed do with that slider? https://t.co/mY69ZG9lci
— Kyle Reese (@JerkStoreManagr) August 29, 2022
Crazy late movement, like he’s throwing a whiffle ball lol
— Voch (@william_voccia) August 29, 2022
How do I hit this https://t.co/CPKVI2lRLa pic.twitter.com/lfAjCRH5R8
— fire the hitting coaches (@F3LIXBAUTISTA) August 29, 2022
There are a million examples of this type of filth in today’s game.. Babe Ruth would’ve hit about .075 against stuff like this. Good thing he played against bums. @MLB https://t.co/cTlYq2lbn9
— Michael Foster (@MFoster_10) August 29, 2022
— Thurmon Munson (@ThurmonMunson15) August 29, 2022
This kid could be a problem
— Ethan (@EpicGamer126642) August 29, 2022
If he can keep locating well then he will be a problem. That slider is nasty ash
— Red Sox Stanton (@bigg75301) August 29, 2022