WWE legend Bill Goldberg has been in the news lately over discussions of possibly returning for a retirement match, but it seems he has taken a break from all that to pick a fight with a piece of farming equipment. The once-dominant wrestler showed that a tractor got the better of him and left him quite bloody, and he had a couple of photos to prove it.
Goldberg is a notoriously physical competitor in the ring, so I'd reckon he is accustomed to being busted open the "hard way," as they say in the wrestling industry. With that said, the injury photos he posted looked about as bad as taking a ring post or metal chair to the noggin, albeit in a less safe and regulated setting, as he gave his followers a ringside view of his bloodied face:
That's a decent amount of blood, but Goldberg already confirmed his injuries weren't cause for concern. TMZ Sports reported the athlete bumped his head on his tractor and planned to use super glue in order to close the wound up. Truthfully, if getting a stitch or two in his head is the alternative option, I don't blame him for going that route rather than making a trip out just to poke a needle in his scalp.
While wrestling fans are getting updates on Bill Goldberg's at-home accidents, we're still waiting on the news that he'll make a return to wrestling for a retirement match. Thus far, there's been no mention of him appearing at upcoming WWE events or news he'll appear in AEW.

Goldberg is one of many Jewish wrestlers with a lasting impact on the wrestling industry.
It's kind of surprising no major organization has jumped at the offer to give Goldberg a retirement match, especially in this age of international premium live events. Bringing in a veteran like Goldberg for some massive retirement match at some show abroad could be a huge draw for a country that doesn't get a lot of WWE events. Goldberg has previously wrestled for the WWE in Saudi Arabia and would probably be willing to travel elsewhere for a big match.
Assuming this tractor injury isn't career-ending — or assuming the tractor itself doesn't get a new contract offer from Vince McMahon — I could see Goldberg returning to the WWE when the World Heavyweight Championship is officially in rotation. Goldberg is a superstar who can immediately be injected into the main event scene and would be a great challenger to help legitimize the title and give it as much importance as the WWE and Universal championships. I would reckon AJ Styles would be up for that challenge, given his latest comments on the WHC, and who wouldn't want to see him face Goldberg?
We can speculate all day, but the simple fact of the matter is the only way to see Goldberg in a wrestling match at the moment is if you have a Peacock Premium subscription. Until he's slid an offer from some major wrestling organization to do a retirement match, we'll just have to settle for more aftermath photos of when he gets into fights with tractors.