On January 18th, Democrat Gary Chambers, who is seeking a U.S. Senate seat from Louisiana, released a campaign ad in which he smokes a sizable blunt while sitting in an armchair looking about as chill as someone could possibly look. But Chambers is dead serious about the harms of cannabis criminalization.
Now, a new poll published on Wednesday, indicates that a majority of Americans said they would not be averse to voting for a candidate who occasionally smokes marijuana, reported Marijuana Moment.
The survey conducted by YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, included 4,096 adults, and found that “58 percent of Americans would be willing to vote for a candidate they agree with on most issues who occasionally smokes marijuana in their free time.”
21 percent said they wouldn’t be willing to cast that vote.
68 percent of Democrats said they’d be open to voting for someone who is a cannabis consumer, while 15 percent said they wouldn’t. 47 percent of Republicans said they’d be willing to make that vote for a marijuana consumer if they align on most issues.
The results were disaggregated in different variables such as gender, age, income and region. Of those who voted “Yes,” 61 percent identified as male and 56 percent as female.
According to the poll, cannabis-friendly candidates are more popular among people ages 35 and above, with higher incomes.