File this under cheeky.
Eighty-six people from Chicago have entered a lottery for a chance to win a lifetime supply of cheeseburgers from Omaha Steaks.
But there’s a catch on the backside: The winner, in order to get the burgers, must also get a giant tattoo of a cheeseburger on their butt.
If you guessed Florida is the state with the most entrants, you would be correct.
Illinois is running seventh, with 465 applicants.
A total of 10,812 people have registered since the contest began last week. The window to throw your name in the hat closes May 1.
Last week, the meat company announced the promotion of its new PureGround steak burger: “This ultimate offer is limited to one burger-obsessed fan who volunteers to get a hyper-realistic burger tattoo … on their full bun. So, the question is: what would you do for a lifetime supply of these decadent new burgers?”
Travel expenses and lodging for a trip to California to sit for two sessions with famed tattoo artist Steve Butcher are included.
The fine print on burgers for a lifetime translates to two home deliveries a year for up to 25 years — with each delivery containing 48 burgers packed in dry ice.
The meat, tattoo and other expenses, including travel, add up to about $20,500, according to Omaha Steaks spokeswoman Kathleen Al-Marhoon.