The world's fattest women shed 600lb by shaking off their unsupportive exes after one partner even refused to buy their wife a salad.
Strained relationships on the TV series My 600-lb Life showed how obese women were having to decide between life-changing surgery or risk losing their partners.
Doctors informed the couples, children wouldn't be possible unless the pounds were dropped - with gastric surgery ruled out as it was too risky to operate.
Many of the women on the show were bed-bound, left breathless, and cared for by their partners including Zsalynn Whitworth.
She and her husband Gareth Whitworth featured on the programme back in 2012 as Zsalynn weighed over 600lbs.
Zsalynn confessed she was "living a lie" trying to please her husband.

Gareth said the main reason he was attracted to his wife was down to her fuller size - as he admitted he had a desire for bigger women.
But with Zsalynn wanting to change her lifestyle it led to friction between the pair as Gareth refused to help his wife eat healthier.
He didn't want to feed her vegetables and salad - but more junk food as he was attracted to her size and didn't want her to change.

Gareth even refused to buy his wife a salad at one point on the show, he said: "I’m not buying you a salad. If you want to eat grass, you can go in the garden and graze.”
Zsalynn realised her efforts to please her man were actually killing her and would stop her from seeing her daughter growing up.
She admitted: "I realise I’ve been telling myself a lie — and that lie was killing me. Big can’t be beautiful when it means my daughter can’t have a mother."

Whitworth, who struggled to move and became out of breath just going to the toilet, still couldn't garner Gareth's support.
She said: "He has no idea how close to death I feel every day.”
Viewers were critical of Gareth's attitude towards his wife and wanted her to leave him to find someone who appreciated her.
The mum underwent a gastric bypass surgery, despite Gareth's hesitations, and lost a remarkable 300lbs.
But despite losing her excess skin and with her newfound confidence, Gareth was still unhappy.
She admitted: "(My husband) hasn’t found much good in my changes. It’s time for us to admit it’s over.”
Speaking to My 600-lb Life in 2014, Whitworth revealed the editing in the show made Gareth look like an angel.

She said: "To be honest, editing made (Gareth) look like an angel. It’s hard for me to speak for him. I feel like he loves me in the only way he knows how.
"I feel like I probably deserve a different kind of love. And maybe someday he can change or I can change."
After moving on from her ex-husband, and dropping 300lbs, she now lives in Texas with her daughter.
Christina Phillips, from Mississippi, was told by Dr. Younan Nowzaradan she had to lose weight before undergoing a gastric bypass after weighing more than 700lbs.

She first appeared in 2012 on TV series "My 600-lb Life" alongside her husband Zach aged 22.
Christina pleaded for help after becoming "trapped" inside her body as she admitted: "I'm trapped inside this body that I don't want to be in."
Fortunately, thanks to exercise and a new diet she managed to drop the weight after undergoing surgery. She now weighs 185lbs (13 stone).

She regularly posts pictures of her new look on social media to try and give inspiration to others.
The weight loss gave her independence after Zach split from her - and she is due to give birth to her second child in September.
Phillips said last month : "It became clear that me becoming independent [from Zach] was not going to work for him.
"I'm able to do so much more now. It's pretty great.
"Before I couldn't walk eight feet without feeling like I was gonna die. Now, I could do just about anything I put my mind to."
One of the most controversial couple's on the show was Lupe Samano and her husband Gilbert Donovan.

They appeared on Season 4 after Samano weighed more than 600lbs and couldn't get out of bed.
She was completely dependant on her husband, Donovan to bring her food in bed and to look after her.
Samano lost a whopping 300lbs by the end of the episode and went on an incredible weight loss journey which has made her unrecognisable.
The pair had relationship issues on the show and many viewers were horrified at Donovan's treatment of his wife including pressuring his wife into having sex just after having surgery - which led to complications.
She eventually left Donovan after revealing: "I am done with his cheating and his drinking."
Samano moved in with a cousin in San Antonio, Texas, US, enjoying her new-found independence.