World of Warcraft fans are worried that one simple frame from the wonderfully somber The War Within trailer foreshadows a grim turn for the High King of the Alliance, Anduin Wrynn.
During the trailer, we see Anduin sitting on a rock in contemplation before being approached by Thall to discuss a shared vision emanating from within the heart of the world. Clearly hurting, Anduin at one point draws his sword on Thall after being told the world needs his light once more. That’s the shot that’s set tongues wagging.
To many, the scene is simply a cool throwback to a Wrath of the Lich King cinematic where Arthas Menethil strikes the same pose with a similar camera angle used. To others, though, it may be a warning sign of what's to come.
The history of World of Warcraft is too long to get into here, but the gist is that Menethil was once a paladin destined to do good until, well, he didn't - gradually losing his soul and parts of himself in pursuit of the power necessary to accomplish his goals.
What some fans are putting forward, then, is that the Lich King could prove to be a cautionary tale to Anduin, someone with the essence of 'light' that people need who could turn the way of Menethil over the Worldsoul Saga, or will they?
As ever, we need only wait and see. It could well be that the moment in the trailer was merely a cool throwback, but until we have The War Within to play, it's cool to ponder what could be in store for the MMO's beloved cast.