Not content with breaking World of Warcraft to deal obscene damage and one-shot raid and event bosses they really shouldn't be able to, one notorious fan has once more found a way to do the same to other unsuspecting MMO players – despite being totally nude in-game.
YouTuber Rextroy has returned to the MMO after nearly a year out but hasn't wasted any time getting up to capital-M mischief upon their return. After finding and reporting a bug that allowed them to one-shot two raid bosses, the damage enthusiast has found another way to deal way more damage than they should.
As Rextroy explains in the video below, this one revolves around the Death Knight's Cryogenic Chamber talent. Typically, the move stacks up to 15% of the damage dealt by Frost Fever and unleashes it when you use Remorseless Winter. What players are finding, though, is that using Frost Fever on low-level mobs is storing a scary amount of extra damage – often leading to one-off moves dealing damage in the millions.
That's where Rextroy comes in. The content creator explains that you can use the low-level training dummies in Durotar to stack the buff and raise an unholy amount of damage, though you run into the issue that going through a loading screen will take away what you've built up.
While that makes smuggling the buff into the Dragon Isles tricky as the locale doesn't have any low-level training dummies of its own, Rextroy finds you can use an old trick of using Mind Control and Ray of Hope on a critter to rack the buff right back up.
Super-charged with a 20 million damage Remorseless Winter in the bank, Rextroy set their sights on an unkillable event boss called Fyrakk. Despite being impossible to bring down, the big ol' dragon has a health bar like the rest of us, so what happens if you deal more damage than it has health? Well, nothing. Fyrakk heals itself back up after you take it down to one hit point.
Not to let their new-found exploit go to waste, Rextroy returns to one of their favorite pastimes – bullying other players, usually of the Horde variety. Simply running around and one-shotting them would feel mean, though, so Rextroy settles on something somehow fairer but ultimately more embarrassing – foregoing clothes and simply sitting there, only to attack once provoked.
To the embarrassment of many Horde players, that happened a fair bit! Rextroy doesn't always come out on top, as being naked ironically means they can be one-shot, and WoW doesn't always work as it's intended to. Regardless, there are now a few more Horde players in Warcraft who might think twice about attacking an AFK nude dude.
Funnily enough, it's not the first time Rextroy has done that either. A good deal of their YouTube channel's content is breaking the MMO and one-shotting whatever stands in their way, though a growing sub-section of that takes it further by doing so naked, and the Horde has come off worse for it more than once.
With World of Warcraft's The War Within expansion not too far away, it remains to be seen what Rextroy does next.