This week's Bonus Event in World of Warcraft is now live. There's a total of six timewalking dungeons to raid and obtain rewards.
For those not familiar, Timewalking is a dungeon difficulty that allows players to queue to a randomly selected dungeon from a prior expansion. This week it's from Legion, which is the sixth expansion. What happens is that the character and items are scaled down to a power level that's relative to the dungeon. However, the loot dropped by the bosses are scaled up to the regular level of the player.
Bonus Events meanwhile happen on a rotating schedule of different activities. Each Bonus Event gives a passive bonus to a particular game activity and offers a once-per-event quest with a reward for accomplishing a related goal.
Welcome to the Dungeons
As mentioned, there are six dungeons available for this week's Bonus Event. All you need to do is first open the Group Finder, the default hotkey of this "I". After than go to the Type dropdown menu and choose Dungeon Finder and Timewalking. Then choose Find Group which should match you with other players and send you to one of the dungeons.
The dungeons are:
- Black Rook Hold
- Court of Stars
- Darkheart Thicket
- Eye of Azshara
- Neltharion's Lair
- Vault of the Wardens
To get more information on what each dungeon offers, just open the Adventure Guide by pressing Shift-J. After that select the Dungeons tab and then choose Legion from the drop-down menu. You'll get to learn, among others, the bosses, available loot, and even tips.
Get the Rewards
It goes without saying that there are rewards available. When you complete a dungeon you should get Timewarped Badges. If you have any of these, head on over to Dalaran, which is above the Broken Isles. Look for the Timewalking vendor Aridormi, who's more than willing to accept those badges in in exchange for rewards. These include:
- A Mount—Favor of the Val'sharah Hippogryph
- A Toy—Nightborne Guard's Vigilance
- A Cosmetic Shield appearance—Replica Aegis of Aggramar
- A Transmog Ensemble—Ensemble: Ravencrest's Battleplate
- Reputation Tokens for all major Legion factions the includes:
- Argussian Reach
- Army of the Light
- Armies of Legionfall
- Court of Farondis
- Dreamweavers
- Highmountain Tribe
- The Nightfallen
- The Wardens
- Valarjar
Quick Reminder
It's important to keep in mind that while Timewalking is active, you can get a 50% bonus to reputations earned from quests and creature kills for all reputations associated with the corresponding expansion.
In addition, you can also look for Kazra in Valdrakken who may have a quest ready for you. If you forgot to get it these, not to worry. You can start the quest within the Adventure Guide. Remember that it's Shift-J. To start the quest, you'll need to have completed five Timewalking dungeons. Finishing this quest rewards you with the Cache of Amirdrassil Treasures which contains one piece of non-tier gear from Normal Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope.
What are you waiting for? Time to queue for the dungeons. World of Warcraft is available for the PC.