Rajya Sabha member from the YSR Congress Party, V. Vijaya Sai Reddy, said that work on construction of Bhogapuram international airport and the six-lane road between Visakhapatnam and Bhogapuram will start soon. The MP was speaking during the foundation-laying stone ceremony for a Butterfly Theme Park in Ward no.14 at Seethammadhara here on Sunday.
Mr. Vijaya Sai said that the six-lane road to Bheemili will be taken up by the Roads and Buildings Department and the Centre, while roads from Bheemili to Bhogapuram would be constructed by the Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD) and the Centre. He said that survey for both the roads was already done. Road from the city outskirts to Bheemili would have cycling and walking tracks, he added. Mr. Vijaya Sai said that cases related to Bhogapuram airport lands would be resolved soon.
Keeping in view the growing population and drinking water needs, pipelines would be laid from Purushothapatnam to Visakhapatnam to supply drinking water, he added.
Mr. Vijaya Sai said that the State government would implement its promises made during municipal elections. Issues pertaining to all colonies would be resolved. He said that 296 water bodies in the Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) limits would be developed to attract tourists. He said that more theme parks would be set up in the city.
GVMC Commissioner G. Srijana said the park would be constructed with a budget of ₹2.5 crore. The park would consist of good seating arrangements, greenery, children’s play arena, water body, meditation spaces, butterfly generation station, miyawaki space, washrooms, shops, food courts and other attractions to the visitors.
Tourism Minister M. Srinivasa Rao, Mayor G. Hari Venkata Kumari and other officials attended.