There are more unsavoury layers to Partygate than Boris’s infamous birthday cake could boast.
(If it wanted to; that cake probably wishes it had never been baked).
And the latest sickening slice rivals the very parties themselves for the bitter taste it leaves.
First there was party, after party, after party - the leaving dos, the quiz, the birthday, the Abba do.
Then came the denials, the lack of police investigation, followed by the police investigation that delayed Sue Gray.
Then came the single, lone, almost apologetic fine for Johnson. And a claim he requested Gray quietly not publish her report at all.
Well, why bother?

And now, like a shiny cherry on top, come the stats.
And lo and behold, aside from the national population’s sacrifice at the altar of Johnson’s fun, next in line as sacrificial lambs trot...women.
It turns out while 35 men have been referred by police for 53 fines for partying in Downing Street, 48 women are set for 73.
Sources say there’s numerous reasons for this.
One being generally low-paid, female junior employees tended to tell all honestly to Gray when her report predated a criminal investigation.
She was later made to hand her evidence over.

Many more senior figures - tending to be men - did not.
In a similar fashion, many did not have lawyers to protect them.
And, in most cases, they organised the parties because their bosses (principally male) directed them to.
So here we go again.
Women in offices up and down the land - often because they still fill more junior roles, but not always - are still the ones asked to perform the kind of tasks that make the cogs turn, but don’t generally win prizes - or recognition or pay rises.
Except in this case, they’ve won a big fat booby prize. A police fine.
These women were there - possibly reluctantly, under orders, in some cases, and no one’s saying they shouldn’t be fined.
But the discrepancy needs confronting and explaining.
And a stark lesson at the highest level of a culture of casual sexism needs learning. It is the icing on top of the cake.
And not something to cheers about, Boris.
I imagine not even Carrie Antoinette will chink to this one.