A woman touted as having "Britain's biggest eyebrows has had the last laugh after keyboard warriors claimed she would never find love.
Cruel trolls wrote to Sammie-Jo Hailford to say her massive brows would inspire blokes to run away.
But the Grimsby mum-of-two has shared a viral video on TikTok responding to the negativity – with her new boyfriend making an appearance too.
In it, she is seen happily dancing with Bailey Pike alongside the comment “you could never get a boyfriend with those eyebrows”.
She then used the cheeky caption: “I beg to differ darling.”
One fan replied: “Might draw mine on the same get me self a chap.”

Another said: “Of course she’s got a boyfriend, she’s gorgeous.”
A third added: "You show them girl.”
After posting the clip, Sammie-Jo, 27, spoke with the Daily Star and said she’d been with Bailey for seven months.
She laughed: “When I've done done TikToks with Bailey they are shocked how I’ve gotten a boyfriend because of my eyebrows.

“I would say the brows are not popular with men to be honest.”
But Sammie-Jo’s popularity soared earlier this year after an exclusive interview with the Daily Star where she revealed trolls call social services on her.
She also opened up about how she started the eyebrow movement to challenge unrealistic beauty standards and to highlight how fickle the “be kind” brigade can be.
Her social media campaign is called ‘BROWS’, which stands for “beauty redefined or we suffer”.

And as for those who mock her love life, she said: “Don’t judge. All they see is messy makeup and big eyebrows. They don't see what's beneath and that's the problem.
“They are so controlled by image and what beauty should look like they can't even be kind to someone unless they are somewhat attractive to them and that is a very worrying concept.”
Thankfully for Sammie-Jo, she also has an army of supporters and her TikTok page has garnered 2.5million likes.
And alongside nice comments online, she also has the full backing of her boyfriend.

She said: “He is super supportive when it comes to the brow movement.
“He’s just in general very supportive towards me in anything that I would want to do. He’s got involved a couple of times on my TikToks and lets me do his eyebrows and makeup.
“He sees the funny side of it and we have both had lots of fun getting him involved.”