A woman waited six months for her £3,200 settee and chair to turn up from DFS and when it arrived it was damaged. Carol Hunt, 60, says the furnitire was due to arrive in March but was delayed by three months.
When it arrived in June it was too big to fit through her door so it was taken back, and it has just returned - but with damage, says Carol. One of the chairs was ripped and the material was wrinkled, making it uneven, she told The Mirror.
Carol said: "At the start of July he brought it in and I said that was the wrong one. I gave him my order number and he thought it was at the back of the van.
"He had to move a few bits - all the furniture was put on top of it. It should've been taken to pieces but they took it to pieces on the road. They brought mine in and set it all up. It didn’t look like a new three piece.
"It had been in the back of the van with all the furniture on top of it. "The arm on the chair is all wrinkled and flat - and the settee on the right hand side is ripped.”

When Carol complained to DFS, they arranged for an inspector to come to visit her. But she claims an inspector never arrived.
Carol added: “When you’ve paid that much money, the service shouldn’t be poor. I got in touch with DFS and told them I am not happy. The settee and chair are damaged. An inspector should’ve come out on July 15 so I waited all day and night and he never came.
“It cost me a lot of money and took me a long time to save for it. I’d like a replacement, I’m not going to settle for anything else.”
DFS blamed its production in China for causing the delays. A spokesman said: "At DFS, we’re committed to providing our customers with high-quality products and excellent service and we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to Ms Hunt.
“The service visit will consist of one of our experienced upholstery experts assessing the condition of the sofa and reporting back to the customer services team, who will then advise on the next course of action.
"Once this has been completed, our customer services team will be in touch with Ms Hunt to arrange a swift resolution to the issue raised. We thank Ms Hunt for her patience during this time and look forward to working with her to resolve the issue as quickly as possible."