The family of a woman who died of a drugs overdose told a court of of the horrific abuse inflicted on her by her twisted lover who kept her prisoner.
Charissa Brown-Wellington was found unresponsive at a house in Bury, Greater Manchester, on February 2 last year.
She died later that day in hospital as a pathologist found she had sustained a number of injuries, including bruising to her face, head, stomach, arms and legs.
The Manchester Evening News reports that Bobby Hardman had been abusing Ms Brown and refused to let her leave the house.
Her mum says she was so badly beaten when they went to identify her body that she "didn’t look like" her daughter.
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Hardman, 33, was jailed for four years, with an extended licence period of two years, after pleading guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm and false imprisonment.
Prosecutor Vanessa Thompson said Ms Brown was released from prison on licence in 2021 and initially moved in with her mum.
Her family said she was healthy and had made the most of her time in custody.
After the probation service found her a property in Oldham, Ms Brown met Hardman on Facebook, the court heard.
A relationship quickly developed and he moved in.
This put her in breach of her licence conditions. Family members noted a change in Ms Brown's behaviour once Hardman moved in, the court heard.

"She saw less of her family and her daughter reported there being arguments between her mum and the defendant, with the defendant treating her mother’s flat as his own," Ms Thompson said.
Her family believed he was jealous and controlling of her, the court heard.
Her sister believed he didn’t like her having male friends on Facebook.
Ms Brown later confided in her mum saying Hardman was aggressive towards her and had racist views.
On January 25, probation service officials discovered she was living with Hardman and she was told she had to leave.
They briefly moved in with Ms Brown's mum.
During that time, the court heard she told her mum Hardman was "horrible" to her after she told him she was mixed race.
"On January 31, she told her mum that he had battered her. She said they had moved but she didn’t know where and said he had 'popped her nose then popped it back in'," Ms Thompson said.

"She said he had been dragging her round the streets by her hair, that the defendant had snapped up her phone and she was scared.
"She said she didn't want her family to know where she was because she was concerned about their safety."
There were repeated calls from her family to Ms Brown and Hardman, during which they could hear him being abusive to her in the background.
During one call, he admitted smashing her phone. In another, he confessed breaking her nose.
He also confessed that he 'beat her every time someone called her on the phone'.
"Her family were distraught, they didn’t know where she was or how to get to her," the prosecutor added.
"Susan Brown, her mum, was concerned about her welfare and advised her to come home."
Hardman's uncle called him and told him to let her go, the court heard.
Hardman said he "wasn’t keeping her against her will", but she could be heard in the background saying "he is", the judge was told.

On February 2, Ms Brown's mum received a call from Hardman saying she wasn't breathing.
She was taken to hospital, where she tragically died.
The court heard her mum was horrified to see her daughter's face "bruised and battered" when she went to identify her body.
Hardman was initially arrested on suspicion of murder.
He told police in a prepared statement Ms Brown had been abusive towards him; that she "would often fall over and bruise easily" and that she had taken diazepam, "meth" and prescription drugs.
A pathologist later concluded that her injuries did not cause or contribute to her death.
Taking to the witness box, wearing a shirt with a picture of Charissa - who also used the spelling Charrissa - and the words My Girl , Susan Brown, read out a victim personal statement.
She said her daughter was loved by everyone and "meant the world" to her family and friends.
“Thinking about what happened made me feel sick,” she said.
“Thinking about her not being here made me feel like I didn’t want to be here.
"Now I think about her children and I realise they need me now. I know why I’m here but I don’t know how.”
She said when she had to identify her daughter in hospital, she "didn’t look like her".
“The Charissa Brown I remember was always so well turned out,” she said.
“But on that day, she was covered in bruises from head to toe. Her teeth were not in the right place.
“She looked like she had suffered in the days he had with her.
"It was heartbreaking seeing what he had done to her. We know we will not un-see what we have seen.
“He is heartless and a coward. He is supposed to love her, how could he hurt her so badly? He is evil. We will never forgive him."
Hardman was said to have numerous previous convictions including for offences of violence against former partners.
Mitigating, Michael Lea said his client accepted he was violent towards Ms Brown.
Mr Lea added that Hardman is trying to address his drug issues in prison.
Sentencing, Judge Angela Nield that Hardman had an "apparent perverse delight" when he told her family he had broken her nose, then "put it back in place".
Hardman, of Rutland Drive, was jailed for four years with an extended licence period of two years.
He must serve two thirds of his sentence in prison before being considered for release by the parole board.
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