Imagine that someone you openly didn’t like for years died. And suddenly it turns out that they weren’t bad at all – moreover, they left your spouse a hefty amount of money. Now tell me – are you going to claim this money or will your conscience not allow you to do so?
Well, the user u/Oluwademilade_, the author of the story we want to share with you today, recently encountered something similar. Her husband, who had previously willingly badmouthed her mother’s old partner, declared that he was laying claim to part of his inheritance after he passed away. However, let’s talk about everything in detail.
More info: Reddit
The author’s mom met an old and wealthy American a few years ago and they started dating

Image credits: Freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Nearly everyone was happy but the author’s husband used to badmouth the guy and criticize the MIL’s choice as well

Image credits: Oluwademilade_

Image credits: Alex Green / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Recently the old gentleman passed away and left the author’s mom over $150K, from which she decided to gift her daughter $20K

Image credits: Oluwademilade_

Image credits: / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The author wanted to buy real estate in Nigeria for an additional income with this money but the husband demanded she invest it in the family business instead

Image credits: Oluwademilade_
The woman was, however, not happy with this idea – mainly because it was actually the money of the same guy her hubby used to scold a lot
So, the Original Poster (OP) has an elderly mother who, several years ago, began dating a fairly wealthy gentleman and felt quite happy about it. The author was also happy for her mom, and perhaps the only person who wasn’t happy was our heroine’s husband.
For some reason, the guy took a dislike to the MIL’s new partner and always treated him coldly, criticizing the lady’s choice at every opportunity. This went on for quite a long time – and then that old man, alas, passed away, leaving the author’s mom a decent amount of over $150K. She, in turn, decided to return home to Nigeria, where this money would let her live out the rest of her days in abundance.
The mother also gave her daughter $20K from the inheritance she received, and it was precisely about this money that the spouses had a major quarrel. Our heroine wanted to invest it in real estate in Nigeria to have an additional stable source of income. But the OP’s husband, having learned about this, started to insist that they invest everything in their family business.
Understand me correctly – it’s not that the woman was against investing money in a business that equally belongs to her and her spouse. She just found it a bit odd that the guy who constantly criticized his MIL’s lover during his life was so forthcoming in his fight for his inheritance. So, the OP decided to ask what netizens thought about this…

Image credits: Anna Shvets / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Two disclaimers now. First – immediately discard thoughts of gold-digging. According to the OP, her mom has her own business in Nigeria and just happened to meet that gentleman while on vacation in the U.S. Second – $150K would really help the lady live comfortably for many years. For example, Numbeo states that the average monthly net salary after tax nowadays in Nigeria is $140. That is, even $20K really matters here.
“Double standards, as they are,” says Maria Kryvosheeva, a psychologist and NLP coach with whom Bored Panda got in touch over this situation. “Some people, even if unconsciously, try to manipulate the opinions of others by regularly making some snide remarks that they disguise as ‘innocent’ jokes. Thus, drop by drop, forming the attitude they need.”
“In the described situation, the woman’s husband, apparently, clearly distinguished between the possibility of criticizing a person he didn’t like for some reason – thereby even causing pain to loved ones. But when the opportunity arose to lay hands on the money that belonged to this person, there was no longer any talk of hostility. As the ancients wisely said, ‘money has no smell,'” Maria sums up.
People in the comments also fully supported the original poster in her decision to keep the money for herself. Moreover, many folks actually advised the author that her mother should simply buy the real estate and register everything in her name – just to avoid possible claims from a toxic spouse. “Protect yourself. It’s your money,” someone aptly wrote. And do you, our dear readers, also agree with this point of view?
People in the comments supported the author’s decision and urged her to keep this money away from her hypocritical spouse