Even though we know that everyone’s body is different, it can be tough not to compare and feel insecure about characteristics you don’t have. This becomes an issue when people take that insecurity to the extreme and make it the other person’s problem.
This happened at a guy’s Dungeons and Dragons event where his friend with a large chest placed her breasts on the game table to give her back a rest. This simple action angered the guy’s fiancée so much that she shamed the woman and tried to create a rift in their friendship.
More info: Reddit
Sometimes jealousy and insecurity in relationships can flare up at the most inappropriate moments

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The poster shared that she is one of two women in their 8-person group who play Dungeons and Dragons at their friend and dungeon-master A’s house

Image credits: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The poster also shared that she is a short woman with H-cup breasts, and because it got uncomfortable while playing the game, she would often rest her chest on the table

Image credits: u/Traditional-Lion4714
One day, while playing, A’s fiancée caused a scene in front of their group, accusing the poster of putting herself on display and telling her to put her breasts away
You cannot control what type of body you end up with, and, as the poor poster explained, her H-cup chest causes her a lot of discomfort, especially while playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends. She even explained that she’s in the process of getting a breast reduction because of it. People opt for this procedure because it greatly helps with reducing back pain.
What a lot of people, including the dungeon master’s fiancée, probably don’t realize is that big breasts can come with their own set of problems. Bored Panda contacted Marissa Rachel and Shanna Lisa, who created a video about ‘big chest struggles,’ to get their perspective on the situation.
Marissa Rachel is a TV host and creator of a popular beauty, fashion, and lifestyle YouTube channel. This Brazilian American’s inspirational personality has proven to be a hit with a massive audience, which is why she has a million followers and over a quarter of a billion video views.
Marissa said that women with large chests “can’t wear a lot of clothing styles designed for smaller-busted women. Going braless is simply not an option, so any top with thin, delicate straps will require a strapless bra, which is annoying! You have to be extra conscious of what you wear in formal settings because a large chest can make even a conservative outfit look risqué!”
Shanna Lisa is a leading beauty and fashion influencer and an expert on all things glam. She is a TEDX speaker and United Nations Ambassador, speaking on causes such as climate change and quality education at events such as the 2019 UN General Assembly in New York City.
Shanna shared her perspective, saying that: “people tend to [objectify] you from a younger age. It can lead to unwanted attention from men. It can also cause people to make unfair assumptions about you, like that you’re not smart or that you’re ditzy. There are a lot of stereotypes that women with big breasts are less intellectual. I call it the ‘Legally Blonde’ effect.”
“There’s more pressure to “prove yourself” in terms of intelligence, academic achievement, and career success. Growing up, any time someone underestimated me because of my looks, it would only push me to try even harder!” she added.

Image credits: Polina Zimmerman / Pexels (not the actual photo)
It seems like A’s fiancée only attended his Dungeons and Dragons events to spy on his friends rather than learn about his interests. Once there, she probably felt insecure about OP’s assets or jealous, thinking that her partner would prefer his friend over her. It’s tough to deal with such insecurities, but that doesn’t justify how horribly she behaved toward the other woman.
We asked Marissa and Shanna why women might view chesty ladies as competition. Shanna said: “I think the grass is always greener on the other side, and it’s normal to want what you don’t have. In [this story], I think the fiancée felt insecure within her relationship, and that caused her to lash out at the large-chested woman.”
“I think the main reason why a woman would be jealous of another woman’s breasts is because of the attention she gets from men, even if that attention is totally unwanted!” Shanna added. This is probably likely because the fiancée didn’t even once consider that the OP was uncomfortable or in pain but only assumed that she was putting her body on ‘display.’”
Marissa told us that “women can definitely be competitive with one another over lots of things, and breast size is just one of them! The funny thing is that women with big breasts usually don’t want them! We know the struggles all too well. Between the back pain, stretch marks, and trouble exercising, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be!”
It’s hard to imagine that a simple D&D game could almost end a friendship, especially over someone else’s insecurities. That’s exactly why this story got 17k upvotes and prompted a much-needed discussion about the struggles of having a big chest. People were sympathetic toward the OP and felt that she was unfairly called out for something she doesn’t have much say in.
Most people sided with the poster and felt that A’s fiancée was projecting her insecurities, while a few folks thought that it was weird to rest one’s chest on someone else’s table

Image credits:yanalya / Freepik (not the actual photo)