Having your significant other tell you they want out is devastating to hear. Even if it turns out to be a horrible joke, those cutting words may sting for a good while.
A woman learned this lesson the hard way when she gave in to peer pressure from her friends and played a divorce prank on her husband. What she hoped to be a harmless little gag placed her on the brink of ruining her marriage.
Desperate for answers, she has now turned to the Reddit community for sound advice.
Hearing your partner tell you they want to break up is never pleasant, even if it turns out to be a joke

Image credits: Daniel Martinez / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
A woman learned this lesson the hard way when she played a divorce prank on her husband

Image credits: George Dagerotip / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
He didn’t take it well as he packed his bags and left their home within minutes

Image credits: Curated Lifestyle / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Things took a turn for the worse when the woman received the actual divorce papers from her husband

Image credits: Curated Lifestyle / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
She is now seeking advice from the internet

Image credits: ThrowRALivid_Tear
Divorce is a devastating ordeal to go through

Image credits: Getty Images / Unsplash (not the actual photo)
Apart from the overarching reason of losing a person you love and care about, divorce brings about different levels of torment for the couple.
As licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Ann Buscho points out, each individual may simultaneously experience fear, shame, guilt, and anger. You may see no light at the end of the tunnel. But for most people, the loneliness hurts the most.
“Not only have you lost your partner, and perhaps your best friend, but you have possibly also lost your in-laws and the extended family that you married into,” Dr. Buscho wrote in an article for Psychology Today.
For many people, the mere thought of dating again is daunting enough. Some may also let their failed marriage define them as a person. Then, the tedious and expensive legal process adds insult to injury.
These reasons–among other things–are likely why the husband took the joke as harshly as he did. As the author mentioned, they’d been happily married for four years before the incident, and her statements may have hit him hard.
Her biggest problem is getting her husband to talk things out. In these instances, communications specialist Leah Mether advises clearly explaining why the conversation is necessary.
“Make your intention clear – it’s about wanting to improve the situation, not blame and accusations,” Mether wrote in an article for her website.
A more loving approach may also soften the husband’s stance, which the author can do through simple behaviors. Integrative psychotherapist Philippa Perry describes these actions as “scraps of love,” which may involve cooking the other person’s favorite meal or helping them with a task.
“You must get into the habit of these loving behaviors before you even begin to address any complaints to re-establish trust,” Perry wrote in an article for The Guardian.
At the very least, it may help the author woo her husband into speaking with her. She may have to pull out all the stops to convey that she is serious about fixing the mess she made.
However, if her husband continues to push through with the divorce, she will have to live with those consequences.
Commenters didn’t hold back in their responses, primarily highlighting her mistake