A woman has admitted she's "horrified" after being alerted to the news that her father and his former mistress are disrespecting her late mother.
The mum - who has recently had a baby - honoured her mother's wishes of calling her child after certain letters of the alphabet.
However, she was mortified to discover that her father - and the woman he had cheated on his wife with - were planning the exact same idea in her memory.
Taking to popular forum site Reddit, the anonymous user explained: "My mother had the idea of having four children and naming us in order to spell out 'L-O-V-E' with our first initials. She passed unexpectedly last year, leaving me, and my two siblings. She never got to complete the word 'love'."

The woman went on: "When I was younger I asked her, 'What happens if you get too old and can't have a baby anymore?' or something along those lines, and she told me that one of us could have a baby and finish it for her. She said it 'wouldn't be the same, but the tribute would make me happy'.
"My parents had marital problems up till her death because of my father's infidelity and I think she put off having the fourth child for quite some time because of it - however she always said baby Elise or Emilio would be completing our family soon."
When she was approximately seven months pregnant, the mum was alerted to the news that her father and his girlfriend were also expecting a baby.
She and her sister were admittedly "horrified" upon the news that they had plans to call their child Emilio.

The woman explained further: "While mum did want someone to continue on the acronym idea, we found it disrespectful to do it with the woman he was cheating on her with.
"I then told him about how she said she wanted one of us to carry on the name when I was a child. He shut me down saying that she 'probably expected her and me to still be together' and that 'it'll be better with all of you guys in the same generation of the family' - and left it at that. My brother agreed.
"Two weeks before I gave birth, they found out they were not having a boy as they hoped, but a girl. I realised I could take the name Elise before they would have a chance to name their baby my mother's chosen name. They could name her 'Emily' or something else, but it wouldn't be the name my mother chose and that's what mattered to me. So I did.
"My father, and especially my stepmother are furious at me for 'ruining' my mother's lasting wishes and tarnishing her idea. While my sister agrees with me, she won't say it to my dad since the birth. My aunt and other family on my dad's side called me names from 'petty' and 'troublemaking' to just outright a b****.
"I did not expect so much backlash and it's really stressing me out with just giving birth - and they’re taunting me by posting pictures of their ultrasounds with captions like, 'the E baby is coming 2024' and 'three's a crowd but four is Love'."
"It's driving me crazy and it feels like this rift in the family is all for nothing since they're going to claim their baby is the 'real e baby' anyways," she added.
Since sharing the post online, the woman's thread has raked in over 400 comments to date - where people assured the Reddit user that she wasn't being unreasonable.
"Not the a**hole. You carried on what your mother wanted you to do. And the fact that your dad thinks it's okay to 'honour' her with the woman he cheated on her with is so sad."
Someone else wrote: "Not the a**hole. If your dad had met your stepmom after your mom had passed, then there would be some questions about what would be an appropriate way to honour your mom's memory and her wishes.
"But since he cheated on your mom with your stepmom, I don’t think I could ever think of something she did as 'honouring your mom'," they added.
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