My sister and I are like Tom and Jerry: we fight like crazy, but can’t really stay away from each other. I guess some sibling bonds are too tight to ever break, no matter what happens, and I like to believe that my sister is my true soulmate.
Speaking of siblings, the original poster (OP) felt upset when she received an evening-only invitation for her brother’s wedding. Moreover, she thought that it was given as an after-thought, just so he could avoid awkwardness at a party, and she couldn’t understand why as there has been no conflict between them.
More info: Mumsnet
Some siblings share a really tough bond, but that is not true of every such relationship

The poster didn’t really get along with her mom, so she left their hometown, leaving behind her younger brother, and rarely returned

Image credits: Eveningonly

Now, the brother is getting married but she got an evening-only invitation, which she felt was to avoid awkwardness at the party

She felt really hurt because even if they’re not too close, there has been no conflict between the brother and sister, and besides, she’s his only sibling
Today, we dive into a story about how a brother’s actions really hurt his sister, who felt left out of the whole family. What happened was that during their past, the poster never really got along with her mother, so she left their hometown as soon as she could, and rarely visited. Her brother was just 10 to 11 years of age at that time, and she didn’t see much of him after leaving.
Even though they haven’t met as frequently, in the years since, they always got along, so she found it strange when he gave her an evening-only invitation to his wedding at a family party. She also felt that it was rather forced of him to avoid any awkwardness as everyone else was talking about it.
Besides, the wedding date had been announced a whole year back, so it was natural for her to think that it was a last-minute decision made by her brother. She didn’t really look at the invitation during the party but realized that it was evening-only after going home and she felt really hurt.
The poster expressed that she understands they’re not close, but she didn’t expect this, considering she’s his only sibling; besides, she’s not a bad person. She’s not in a conflict with her brother, nor did they ever have “bad blood” between them.
It’s also not a small or intimate wedding, and the poster feels that evening invitations are only for work colleagues or distant relatives, so receiving one bothered her more. After feeling completely excluded from her family, the poster vented online and sought netizens’ advice, and they didn’t disappoint.

In a survey of more than 1,300 people, Karl Pillemer, PhD, a professor of human development at Cornell University, found that 8% of the participants reported being estranged from a sibling. Research also suggests that estrangement between brothers and sisters in adulthood is not rare, so the sibling relationship in today’s story is quite understandable.
Many folks commented that even they would be hurt if they were in her situation, and the fact that she invited him to his wedding, while he didn’t do the same, stung them more. People pointed out that when the poster left her house, her brother was but a child and it might have impacted him in a way.
According to HealthCentral, “The feelings associated with sibling estrangement can be complex and sometimes painful. A sense of grief associated with the loss of that relationship, regret, depression, or anxiety, or a fair amount of shame can be associated with it.”
A few netizens also highlighted that he must’ve felt abandoned as a child and it might have broken the relationship that they shared. Another important aspect that the poster spoke about in the comments was how her mom always favored her brother and to the day, the mother and son are quite close.
Research also indicates, “The manner in which your parents have treated you will have a profound impact on the relationship with your siblings. Childhood patterns will continue affecting your life into adulthood, especially when it comes to powerful factors like parental favoritism.”
Seems like what netizens pointed out could be true, and some even questioned OP about her mother’s involvement in the invitation. She clarified that her mom had not yet made any comments about it. Some people said that she shouldn’t go as the invitation was insulting, but some suggested that going would actually be an effort to bury any hatchet and start anew.
What advice would you give to someone stuck in a similar situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Folks online sympathized with the poster but also said that she has no other choice but to accept things the way they are