A woman moved across the country to adopt her husband’s ex-wife’s baby despite neither of them being related to the child.
Married couple Christie, 48, and Wesley Werts, 45, decided to adopt Levi, who is now two, when his biological mother sadly passed away.
The couple heard of Wesley’s ex-wife’s death in August 2021 and immediately decided to adopt Levi.
Christie and Wesley already had four children between them.
Megan, 21, and Vance, 15, Christie’s biological children and Austin, 14, and Dakota,10, who are Wesley’s biological children and Levi’s half-siblings.
In less than two months, the couple made all the necessary arrangements and moved their entire family 1,335 miles away, from Ohio – to Texas – to be with Levi.
Now the family of seven is closer than ever.
The family immediately began the adoption process and after 16 months the couple officially became Levi’s adoptive parents.
Wesley received a phone call from his ex-sister-in-law to let him know that his ex-wife was terminally ill in the hospital and 33 weeks pregnant.
When Wesley’s ex-wife was induced and gave birth, he discussed adoption with Christie, who suggested they should take the baby in.
Levi’s biological mother, whose name was withheld, passed away just a few days after Levi was born.
IT manager Christie said: “We had no clue if the baby was sick, what gender or anything at that time.
“When my husband told me I said ‘We should take the baby’ so it doesn’t go in the system.'”

Christie, a foster child herself, didn’t want her step kids’ sibling to grow in the system.
She said: “My husband had full legal custody of the two children they had together.
The family first tried to find a way to get Levi transferred to Stryker, Ohio, where they lived, but the process was too lengthy.
So without hesitation, the couple sold their house and moved 1,355 miles away to Texas.
They took on the care of Levi under a “kinship placement,” which means family members look after children rather than their parents.
The couple had to go through 16 months of adoption classes, home inspections, tuberculosis tests, monthly home visits and a deep dive into their past.
In January 2023, Christie and Wesley were finally able to officially adopt Levi.
Christie says she’s excited for Levi’s future but dreads having to tell him his story as she fears that he may feel like he is “loved less” by his new family.
Christie plans on writing a book about her own journey from foster care and adoption, touching on details of Levi’s own foster-to-adopt story.
Produced in association with SWNS Talker