A woman shocked by poctures of herself at her heaviest joined a slimming group and lost more than 50lbs in five months. Sally Cooper dropped five dress sizes in 18-weeks period after joining a Slimming World group.
Sally dropped from just under 14 stone to 10st 3lbs and says her dress size plunged from an 18 to an eight - between January and May this year, reports Leicestershire Live.

Sally, pictured before her journey, largely avoided exercise
"I've been dieting on and off for years so it wasn't a surprise. But then last year I really felt at my worst and saw pictures of myself that started to motivate me," said Sally.
She added: "I just decided to give myself a kick up the backside and try harder.
"I didn't expect it to happen so easily at all.

Sally, pictured recently after her weight loss, has embraced her new regime
"I'd tried Slimming World a few years ago, during lockdown, and everything just seemed to be going against me around then - which is how a lot of people felt, I'm sure."
Sally was the slimmer of the week earlier this month. She now enjoys running and swimming. "When she did her first 5km in January, it took her more than 40 minutes, but her latest record was just 28 and a half minutes.
Her furthest run is 16.5km, and she can swim 200 lengths of a swimming pool without resting.

The artist is now 10st 3lb and dress size eight
"I used to shy away from the camera, being mortified of how I looked, and hide under baggy clothes," the super slimmer added.
"But now I'm proud to have my photo taken.
"I eat so much more healthily but I never go hungry - it's reignited my love of cooking. It's improved my sleep, my skin is healthier and I generally just feel healthier all round."