A woman who was mauled by an American bulldog and had to have an arm amputated is now suing the RSPCA for giving her the animal which she claims they knew was aggressive.
Joanna Harris, 49, had fostered 15-month-old Kiwi from an RSPCA rescue centre when she was forced to pull the bulldog’s jaws off her pet dog Bo, only for the bulldog to turn and maul her arm instead.
She is now seeking £200,000 in damages over the life-changing injuries she suffered.
During the attack on her at home, Joanna was unable to release Kiwi’s grip from her arm so she rushed to the garden and shouted for a neighbour to call the police and an ambulance.
The American bulldog pulled and shook her arm before trying to set its teeth into her neck.

When police arrived 20 minutes later, Kiwi was still latched onto her.
Despite their efforts, officers were unable to drag the dog off Joanna and were forced to taser him three times to subdue him.
The dog owner from Crowborough, East Sussex, was taken to hospital with her left bicep exposed, no blood supply or mobility in her arm, and further injuries on her right arm, hand and leg.
Joanna’s arm was amputated and Kiwi was put down.
Before she had taken Kiwi in, she says the dog had been aggressive to staff and inflicted minor injuries. On August 26, 2021, a week before the attack, the dog tried to bite Joanna but remained in her care.
Following the September 3, 2021, incident Joanna has sought damages in excess of £200,000 through the High Court.
Her lawyers insist the RSPCA breached the Animal Act because it should have known the dog was aggressive by its previous behaviour, and by permitting Kiwi to be fostered when it was unsafe.
The lawyers from Irwin Mitchell added the RSPCA failed to remove Kiwi from Joanna’s house when he first tried to bite her.
The RSPCA has denied liability.

Joanna said: “It’s almost difficult to put into words what happened to me and the impact it’s had. I’ve always loved and grown up around dogs and really wanted to give a dog a home and a new life.
“What happened that day and how I was attacked in my own home is something that will stay with me forever. It was absolutely terrifying.
"Even when the police arrived Kiwi didn’t want to let go. The pain I was in was excruciating and I knew I was in a bad way. However, nothing prepared me for the news that I had to have my arm amputated. At that moment my life changed.
"I lost a lot of confidence and independence. I became a lot more reliant on friends and family, even for things such as getting dressed and food shopping, things many people take for granted.
“I try and remain as positive as I can and want to focus of my recovery, but I feel I deserve answers to the concerns I have.”
Joanna, who works in the financial industry, has had to take substantial time off.
Chani Dhaliwal, the expert serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing Joanna, said: “Joanna has faced an incredibly difficult time coming to terms with the physical and psychological impact of the incident which has changed her life forever.
“Her case vividly highlights the devastating effect such incidents can have on people. Understandably she has a number of concerns about what happened and whether more could have been done to prevent her horrific injuries.
“While nothing can make up for what she’s been through we’re determined to support Joanna to provide her with not only the answers she deserves but also the specialist support and therapies she requires to regain more of her independence.”
“Sadly we’re seeing more incidents where people have been seriously injured in dog bite attacks. This has been particularly the case since lockdown when dog ownership increased.”
An RSPCA spokesperson told The Mirror: “This was a distressing incident and our thoughts go out to Ms Harris. We assess the health and behavioural needs of animals before rehoming and where necessary, we provide a full behavioural plan.
"Our branches and centres are available to support them or take an animal back into our care if the new owner does not feel happy or safe. We cannot say any more at this time because of ongoing legal proceedings, which the RSPCA is defending.”