A woman left her blind neighbour suicidal after lying that he had attacked and raped her.
Jade Wass was locked up after she pled guilty to perverting the course of justice after she claimed a neighbour had attacked her.
The prosecution said that the 26-year-old had claimed to be in a tent on July 8, 2020, with her boyfriend when she was attacked and called the police, Teesside Live.
When she slept beside her partner, she claimed that her neighbour, identified as Mr X in court, straddled her and made a cut throat gesture.
Wass maintained her false account after Mr X was arrested and released on bail, claiming she feared for her safety.

But as police investigated her claim there was no forensic evidence to link to Mr X to the crime.
CCTV contradicted her story, showing her partner standing outside the tent at the time of the alleged attack.
The prosecutor said: "Mr X was particularly vulnerable.
"A police officer was despatched to the address to take an account and Mr X was arrested but then released on bail.
“The defendant contacted police saying she was very upset he had been released and said she feared for her safety.
"On July 11, the defendant was video interviewed for her full account of the alleged rape. She maintained her false account.

“However, swabs taken from her identified a match with her partner but there was no forensic link with Mr X.
“Police checked CCTV and contrary to her account it showed her own partner was outside the tent standing about at the time."
The court was told how Mr X was registered blind so did not often leave his house, and an injury to his hand further restricted his movement.
By January 2021, it was clear that Wass had given a false report Mr Bennett said, and on January 4 she was arrested.
She gave no comment in the police interview.
Mr X said being accused of being a rapist left him suicidal and was ”one of the worst things imaginable”.
In a statement to police on April 8, 2021, Mr X said: "To be labelled as a rapist is one of the worst things imaginable.
"I had suicidal thoughts due to the accusations not because I felt any guilt as I absolutely didn't do what she has accused me off, but the thought of the impact this malicious accusation has had on my life, mental health and wellbeing.
"I feared I wouldn't see my son again it was about three months before I could talk my ex around and she allowed me to have access.
"This accusation almost broke me I'm happy the police are pursuing a case against Jade Wass."
He added that he had heard the couple having an argument days prior.
He said that Wass’ partner accused her of “fancying Mr X and sleeping with him”.
He also claimed that at one point he heard her partner saying “we’re going to get X, we’re going to do something”.
Mr Bennet said: "When Mr X was arrested for rape he said he felt sick he'd been asleep.
"He said he felt extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed about having swabs taken by a nurse.
“The police told Mr X they had to make a referral to social services as he had access to his son.
“Due to this Mr X had problems with his ex-girlfriend for a few weeks but she eventually let him see his son again, but those initial weeks were extremely hard."
In mitigation, Simon Walker said all Wass wanted to do "was get Mr X to stay away".
He said the defendant has had an extremely traumatic start in life and cares for her boyfriend and the court heard she suffered with paranoia.
Judge Howard Crowson sentenced Wass to two years in prison at Teesside Crown Court.
She was also handed a restraining order banning contact with Mr X.
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