The only test relationships should go through is the test of time. However, some people choose to test their partners nevertheless, eager to see if they pass or fail.
Redditor ‘raggedyange77’ recently found herself being tested by her partner; and according to him, she failed the “supportive wife test” by choosing to make dinner over going to greet him at the airport. She shared her story online, where some netizens suggested that it was the husband who failed and not her. Scroll down to find the full story below.
Many things can test a relationship, including one of the partners themselves
Image credits: Wavebreakmedia/Envato (not the actual photo)
This woman was told that she failed the “supportive wife test”
Image credits: Iakobchuk/Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: drazenphoto/Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: raggedyange77
Feeling the need to test your partner might be a flag signaling complex issues
Image credits: halfpoint/Envato (not the actual photo)
Testing their partner might sound like a good idea to some people. After all, if they’re the great person their significant other believes they are, they will have nothing to worry about; and if they are not, that might lead to a “goodbye” followed by a “good riddance”. But it’s not all that simple.
According to psychotherapist and author Tina Gilbertson, setting up tests creates unnecessary conflict. “Even if your partner goes along with everything you want him or her to do, slavish obedience is not ultimately what you’re seeking,” she wrote for Psychology Today. In the expert’s opinion, testing their partner signals the person’s need for more security in their relationship. But playing bogus tricks or testing them is unlikely to be the best way to achieve it.
PsychCentral emphasizes that security is the cornerstone of a stable and healthy relationship. Bearing that in mind, it’s not surprising that when it’s lacking—even if only from one partner’s perspective—it can create uncertainty and lead to a person testing their significant other. In an emotionally secure relationship, PsychCentral notes, people feel assured in their connection even if physically apart, and they don’t need the “Orange Peel Theory”, the “Bird Test”, or any other test, for that matter, to prove it.
Quite a few relationship tests have become viral on TikTok and other platforms
Image credits: cottonbro studio/Pexels (not the actual photo)
If you’re wondering what in the world the “Orange Peel Theory” or the “Bird Test” is, you most likely managed to escape the TikTok craze over all sorts of relationship tests. The first one, if you’re curious, refers to asking your partner to do something as simple as peeling an orange for you; if they do, it supposedly means that they truly love you. As for the second one, you can test how interested your significant other is in you by checking to see if they pay attention to something you show them, like a bird, for instance; if they do, again, it means that they love you.
These are just a couple of examples of viral relationship tests thousands, if not millions, of people have tried on their loved ones. (In some cases, not only tried, but ended relationships over them as well.) And while they might not be completely irrational—a person who loves you would probably peel a fruit for you or pay attention to something that you show them, even if it’s a pigeon—the fact that the behavior has a hidden agenda is unlikely to benefit the relationship much.
Discussing relationship tests, the clinical director of the Gottman Institute, Donald Cole, noted that some of them are tied to a tested psychological theory, which suggests that they are at least somewhat legitimate; however, only if there is a trained professional to interpret the results.
“I’m totally against all forms of manipulation in relationships, and some of these tests seem very manipulative,” Cole told TODAY. “Open dialogue is the path to relationship positivity, not testing behind the back.”
In the OP’s story, there was no fruit or birds involved. Her husband chose to test her by waiting to see if she would come greet him at the airport. But she chose to cook a homemade meal for the family, instead, which—despite being a loving gesture—didn’t change the husband’s mind about her failing the test. Though, after reading the story, some people believed it was the husband, not the wife, who failed.
Fellow netizens shared their thoughts in the comments, many criticized the husband