There are things in this sinful world that money can’t buy: friendship, love, good relationships with relatives, talent, in the end. For almost everything else in our lives, there are dollars. And for making a wedding cake too. No, not like that: especially for making a wedding cake.
The user u/Euphoric-Platypus599, the author of our story today, may have thought something like this, or in this vein, when on the eve of her half-sister’s pompous wedding she did not receive an invitation, but only an order for a free wedding cake, just “as a gift.”
More info: Reddit
The author of the post isn’t on good terms with her mom and numerous half-siblings – and through no fault of her own

Image credits: Daniel Frese (not the actual photo)
The problem is that the mom’s family is ultra-religious and racist – and they had been treating the author and her brother as ‘evil sinners’

Image credits: Euphoric-Platypus599
However, recently the author’s half-sister asked her to bake her a wedding cake for free – despite not sending any invitation to her

Image credits: Vlada Karpovich (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Euphoric-Platypus599
The woman firmly refused and sent her price sheet instead, but took heat from all the relatives for being ‘selfish’ and ‘mercantile’

Image credits: Ivan Samkov (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Euphoric-Platypus599
At the same time, the author’s brother and her BF sided with her unanimously – so the woman sought support online too
So, the Original Poster (OP) is a 22-year-old woman who has an older brother and many half-siblings. Many years ago, their biological dad, of Native American descent, passed away – and then their mother (who’s ‘whiter than paper’ according to the author herself) remarried – thereby turning the life of the older kids into a local branch of hell.
Her family to whom she returned “to redeem the mistakes of youth” turned out to be: a) well-off; b) racist; c) ultra-religious, so the author and her brother experienced all the “delights” of home bullying. However, now everything is in the past, and they are both adults. The OP has her own relationships, is a full-time baker for a small business and a college student. And it was precisely because of her work skills that this drama broke out.
The eldest of the OP’s half-siblings is getting married, but neither the author nor her brother received any invitations. What they got was the demand to cook a large wedding cake. And, what’s most outrageous – not only bake for free, but also deliver it herself – not to the bride’s home (ultra-religious relatives didn’t want to be under the same roof with the “sinners”), but to a hotel. And yes, the OP herself had to pay for the hotel suite.
Needless to say, the original poster refused. She simply sent the bride her price sheet and called it a day. The bride-to-be, in turn, was incredibly offended and said that at the author’s friend’s recent wedding, the original poster baked a cake for free. And that she is so selfish and entitled…
Our heroine could say a lot here. For example, that her best friend, unlike her half-sister, invited her to be the MOH at her wedding. Or that she knows perfectly well why she didn’t receive an invitation (the grandma promised the bride a hefty part in the will if she didn’t invite the “sinners”). But she believes that she did everything quite right – and her brother and his wife, as well as her boyfriend, sided with her. However, the woman is also not against enlisting some public support…

Image credits: Brent Keane (not the actual photo)
“Wait, do I understand correctly that this family is so religious that they don’t even want to be around ‘evil sinners,’ but at the same time they are ready to eat a wedding cake personally prepared by the hands of one of these ‘sinners?’” asks Irina Matveeva, a psychologist and certified NLP specialist, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this case. “Yes, in a clash between religion and the opportunity to save some cash, money definitely wins here…”
“But seriously, it seems to me that with such an attitude from her relatives, this woman made only one mistake – she shouldn’t have responded to the demand to bake a free cake at all. There are situations when it’s actually possible to mend fences with your relatives – but there are times when you just need to cut all ties and move on with those who are dear to you. And to whom you are dear as well. In this situation, this woman’s boyfriend, her brother and her SIL. Otherwise, it will only hurt more,” Irina concludes.
People in the comments also wonder why the author maintains any kind of relationship with her entitled and abusive relatives. “I’m confused, why are you in any kind of communication with these people? They seem to have made it very clear that you are not family,” one of the commenters wrote. The woman, in turn, admitted that she communicates with her family mainly because of her younger half-brothers, with whom she gets along pretty well.
In general, the actions of the original poster received full approval from the commenters. “They’re lucky all you were sent was a price sheet. Someone else would have sent them some strong words enclosed in an envelope with folding and insertion instructions,” another person added wisely. And do you, our dear readers, also agree that the author did absolutely the right thing in this particular case?
People in the comments were on the author’s side too, claiming that she should’ve cut all ties with her abusive fam overall