Seeing a moving van pull up on your street can always be nerve-wracking. What if the new residents have a dog that barks loudly all day long? Or what if they park a massive eyesore of an RV on your street for months at a time? Only time will tell…
When a group of young adults moved into a quiet, residential neighborhood, they quickly attracted a lot of attention. So one mother decided that enough is enough and went out of her way to get revenge on the new neighbors. Below, you’ll find the full story that was posted on Reddit, as well some of the replies amused readers shared.
A group of young adults moved into a quiet, suburban neighborhood and quickly started wreaking havoc
Image credits: Sami Abdullah / pexels (not the actual photo)
So one mom decided that they needed to be taught a lesson
Image credits: Kindel Media / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Justin L U C K / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Karolina Kaboompics / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Kristine javashvili / pexels (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Skerivo
The majority of Americans have an issue with at least one of their neighbors
Most of us consider “being neighborly” to mean being friendly, bringing freshly baked cookies to the house next door and helping carpool kids to school in the morning. But unfortunately, some people have a different idea of what neighbors should act like.
There’s a good chance you’ve lived below someone who stomped around in heels all night long or shared a street with a family who loved to litter on the sidewalk. Sadly, we can’t all be best friends with the people next door.
According to a survey from Lending Tree, a whopping 73% of Americans say that they dislike at least one neighbor. Nearly a quarter also report that they’ve had to call the cops on a neighbor before.
When it comes to who is the least likely to be fans of the people next door, Gen Zers, residents of apartments and people living in the Northeast United States tend to not like their neighbors.
And over a third of Americans admit that they would rather live near people who shared the same political beliefs as them. It can be a little awkward to see a Trump sign next door if you’ve proudly displayed a Harris sign in your own front yard…
Image credits: Caio / pexels (not the actual photo)
Being noisy and rude are some of the easiest ways to turn your neighbors into enemies
Unfortunately, issues with neighbors aren’t always easily resolved, as 11% of Americans admit that they’ve actually moved specifically because they didn’t like their neighbors. It appears that the residents in this story would fall into that group too!
As far as the reasons why people tend to dislike their neighbors, Lending Tree reports that the top reasons cited were: they give off a “weird vibe,” they make too much noise, they’re rude, they have disruptive pets, they’re nosy or a busybody, they don’t maintain the exterior of their home, they have loud or unruly children, their guests steal parking spots, they smoke, they have differing political views and they use their home as a short-term rental property.
Because neighbors often aren’t friends, it’s common for disputes to arise between them. Kelly Legal Group reports that some of the most common disputes between neighbors involve boundary disputes, property damage, issues with animals, noise complaints, disagreements over shared amenities, overhanging trees and hedges, building code violations and improper parking.
Image credits: damla selen demir / pexels (not the actual photo)
It’s best to resolve issues with neighbors quickly, before they can escalate
So if you have a problem with a neighbor, you might be wondering: what are my options? Should I move, try to sue them or simply dump soup on their car? Well, TODAY recommends first trying to have a friendly conversation to resolve the issue. You might have to live next to these people for years to come, so it’s best to remain civil if possible.
If that doesn’t get you anywhere, see if they’re breaking any local laws or ordinances. It’s possible that you might be able to report them somewhere for making too much noise, speeding, parking illegally, etc.
And if issues escalate, you can fall in an expert mediator to handle your dispute. Finally, going to court should be a last resort. This can sometimes fix the problem, but it can also be stressful, expensive and exhausting. Soup sounds like a much more affordable option.
We would love to hear your thoughts on this disgusting revenge in the comments below, pandas. What did you think of this mom’s rotten surprise? Feel free to share, and then check out this article from Bored Panda featuring another story of revenge on nasty neighbors!
Image credits: Aline Aronsky / pexels (not the actual photo)
Later, the author revealed even more details about the situation
Readers got a kick out of the story and applauded the mother for her brilliant revenge