Themed weddings can be heaps of fun if you are happy to throw yourself into something new. And even if you are more hesitant, guests tend to try their best to embrace the occasion for the couple. After all, it is only one day.
But one woman has been left stunned by her friend's request ahead of their upcoming fantasy-inspired wedding, as they want her to learn a new language. Aside from the difficulty of learning a language, she won't have many opportunities to use the skill again, as the wedding will be conducted in a "made up language."

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However, she risks the wrath of her friend if she doesn't make an effort, and she'll miss out on much of the wedding, including the speeches and toasts.
The shocking story came to light when the frustrated guest took to Reddit to ask for advice. She claimed her friends have organised a Game of Thrones themed wedding - and expect her to learn High Valyrian.
Sharing her shock at the demand, the woman posted to the website's popular "Am I the A*****e" forum.
She wrote: "My friend 'Lexa' is getting married soon. She and her husband are extreme game of thrones fans (they’ve watched the show 5+ times, their house is decked out with game of thrones themed decorations/accessories, etc).
"Because of their shared love of Game of Thrones, Lexa and her fiancé decided to have a game of thrones-themed wedding.
The guest added: "I am perfectly fine with the idea of a themed wedding. I am even ok with the game of thrones dress/costume for the wedding.
"The only thing I can’t seem to get behind is the fact that the majority of the wedding will be conducted in High Valyrian (for those who don’t know, it’s a made up language from game of thrones)."
And the choice is proving to be a bit of a sticking point for the otherwise supportive friend. She explained: "Her wedding is also a destination wedding, and I’m finding it hard to justify going out of my way to go to a wedding that’s not even in a real language that I wont be able to understand."
She then asked if she would be acting unreasonably if she decided not to attend.
"I mentioned that I was having doubts to Lexa, and she got really mad at me because I had originally had said I could go before I knew it was in High Valyrian," the woman added.
Her post concluded: "She’s also been sending my links to learn High Valyrian on Duolingo and I feel like even if I did show up, she’d be mad at me for not learning it."
And a later edit noted: "The reception will also be in High Valyrian and all speeches and toasts are expected to be in High Valyrian too."
But people were stunned by the post and reassured the woman she was "not the a*****e".
"If it's common knowledge the speeches etc are going to be attempted in a fake language then you won't be the only one declining, let's face it," read one comment.
Fans of the book and TV series were also shocked to learn the couple wanted a Game of Thrones inspired wedding, given weddings in the series don't tend to have happy endings.
One person said: "If they were such fans of the show they should know weddings generally don’t end well. Probably not the best theme."
Meanwhile, another fan joked: "I'd be fine with it until the rains of castamere started playing, then I'd run like hell."
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