Two woman have found their exact look-alikes thanks to facial recognition software, leaving even their parents wondering if they are related.
Ambra and Jennifer look so alike that Jessica's mother asked if she was adopted, but the two women are completely unrelated.
The pair had never even met before a website matched them as identical strangers with twin faces.
Ambra from North Carolina and Jennifer from Texas met through the online platform called Twin Strangers, which helps people find others who look just like them.
Users put in their facial dimensions and the algorithm searches for others with similar faces.
It is unusual for such an exact match however and Ambra and Jennifer, who were 23 and 33 at the time, were featured on an episode of Twin Strangers.

The pair, who share almost identical features, were filmed meeting up for the show, with Jennifer introducing Ambra to her shocked mum.
“So, one day I come home from work and I read about this site Twin Strangers, I just put in my parameters and there she was,” explained Jennifer.
They then arranged to meet up in Texas for a photoshoot side-by-side for the show.
“I was all nervous and my hands were shaking, and I was like oh lord I’m actually going to meet her,” Ambra said before meeting Jessica.
“When I finally met her, it was like, oh my goodness, there’s another person, she really does have my face."
After recovering from the shock Jennifer arranged for her mum to meet Ambra during the visit - to see if she could tell the two apart.

The introduction saw a nervous Ambra introduced to Jessica’s mum, who was absolutely flawed by how similar the two looked.
“You’re my daughter, oh my god, you look so much like my daughter," said the astonished mother.
“Your smiles are the same, how is this possible, you’re not adopted? I want to see your family tree.
“I love it, there's no way this came from the internet."

Commenters online agreed that the were almost indistinguishable with YouTube users writing how they had loved the mother’s reaction.
One user said: "the mother's reaction made me cry."
Another commented: "I love the part when the mom says 'your my daughter.' I think for a moment she thought she was but then thought"