Amidst the imposition of martial law by South Korea's president, a video circulating online captured a woman engaging in a bold act of defiance against an armed soldier. The footage depicts the woman, clad in a dark jacket, grappling with the soldier and attempting to seize his rifle, resulting in a tense struggle between the two.
During the altercation, the woman can be heard vehemently demanding the soldier to release her, showcasing a mix of defiance and anger towards the situation. The scene unfolds as onlookers gather around, eventually intervening to separate the woman and the soldier.
Following the intervention, the soldier disengages from the confrontation and walks away, while the woman vocalizes her disapproval by questioning the soldier's actions with a pointed remark: 'Aren’t you embarrassed?'
The video, extracted from a live stream by an online broadcaster, quickly gained traction on social media platforms, amassing over 7 million views by Wednesday afternoon. The incident serves as a stark portrayal of the tensions and emotions running high amidst the implementation of martial law in the region.