A mum who decided to lose weight was worried following a healthy eating plan might pile on the pounds at the grocery till.
But Kerri Hayes, 42, not only managed to shed 11 stone – half her body weight – she has cut her food bills by a whopping £100 a month.
At the start of last year she decided to join her local Swimming World group following a Covid health scare during the pandemic.
Kerri, of Walthamstow in East London, said: “I lost 7lb that first week. I was so happy to be losing weight by eating real food and not shakes or packet food, which I’d tried and they weren’t sustainable.
“Being a single mum and a teacher, I was worried it might cost more to eat healthily to lose weight.
“In fact, I’ve saved £100 a month on my food bills as I’m not buying ready meals and takeaways.”

Kerri decided to lose weight after recovering from a spell in hospital.
She said: “In January 2021, weighing 22 stone, I was hospitalised for several days due to Covid. I had blood clots in my brain, of which some had haemorrhaged.
“I felt so confused and my speech was slurred. The consultant advised being morbidly obese was a major contributing factor.
“I gradually got better, but I wasn’t losing weight.”

And Kerri credits joining her slimming group for helping her stick to her diet, which combined with Zumba classes, means she now weighs 11 stone.
“I’m lucky to have a close-knit family, but I genuinely see my group as my second family. We’re all ‘in it’ together, no one judges each other,” she said.
“Before I lost weight, after standing up in the classroom all day my knees would hurt and my ankles were aching. I was lethargic, and had very low self-esteem.
“I have so much more energy and confidence. My teenage son Nic and I live on the fourth floor and when I was at my heaviest, I’d dread it if the lift was broken. Now, it’s no bother!”