A woman was caught at airport security with her boyfriend's ashes concealed in a sex toy.
Sarah Button told of her unusual experience on TikTok, where the video has racked up over 4.9 million views, leaving users stunned.
The sex toy was a butt plug from the 23-year-old's late boyfriend, which the law student claims to have worn while going through security in the United Arab Emirates, allegedly causing issues with staff.
Sarah from Australia said: "I explained what it was but there was a lady worker in earshot of that conversation which led to some back and forth between us and the male officials did not like the vulgarity I was using to explain.

"They took me and my friend aside without much explanation."
She claimed airport security then took the group's passports and phones and she was forced to call her dad to ring the Australian embassy for help.
Sarah said: "An hour later a big official came and had us sign a super long foreign document and said if we went outside of the airport doors we’d go to jail.

"It was a long day.
"Moral of the story is I was very ignorant of what I had in my bag and the words I used/their values and I didn’t realise explaining a plug would like violate the person that asked about it.
"The intention was initially a joke because he’d spent so much time in there and it was his favourite place'."

Her boyfriend had bought her the item as a joke gift before he died.
She said: "We lost touch for a little while and during that time he passed and unbeknownst to me he knew he was passing and had it in a box and I received it at his funeral.

"Honestly it is the funniest thing he’s ever done, I’ll spend my whole life laughing about it, which really beats crying.
"It’s more of like delivering a punchline he’s set up from the grave, which is so dark but so funny.
"I also like that I can take him with me to places we only ever dreamed of going."

She has taken her former partner's ashes on big adventures since.
Sarah said: "My life has changed a lot and I wish he was here to see it but I’m glad I get to take him with me to places like the Great Barrier Reef and concerts of bands he loved.
"We’re going to see Bring Me The Horizon in December!"
The romantic gesture has certainly caused a stir online, causing many users to make comments about the memoir.

"I have some adjustments to make on my will," one person joked.
Another person wrote: "Whoever’s ashes is being remembered in a most magnificent way by you."
"I’m carrying your love w me," another person quipped. [sic]
Someone else said: "Everyone grieves differently and it’s ok to grieve privately! Just saying!"
Another poster added: "If she don't have a buttplug carrying my ashes I don't want her."
One user wrote: "And they said romance is dead."