Giving birth is rarely easy, no matter how amazing an occasion it is.
But Stephanie Haxton, 29, really had a tough challenge - because she has two wombs.
Incredibly, she welcomed her daughter Stella with no issues leaving the mum, from Alaska, US and partner Ben, over the moon.
Stephanie discovered she had Uterus Didelphys, a condition in which means a woman may have a double uterus, with either having its own cervix or in some conditions, both uterus’ having a cervix and their own openings.
She visited a gynaecologist for a routine exam upon some increased vaginal pain and was diagnosed at the age of 23 with the rare congenital abnormality.
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Stephanie said: “Being told at such a young age I just always thought to myself that I can't have children so I never really pinned my hopes on having any. Just thought if it happens it happens.
“I was told if I needed a baby I would have to undergo some pretty harsh testing. So I just put it to one side and carried on. I started up my own business as time went on.
“But at 27 I, unfortunately, lost a baby, so it made me and Luke think we should do the tests but I was told to wait until I was 30.
“It was one day when I realised, I had missed my period so I decided to do a pregnancy test and that’s when I found out I was pregnant.
“I was classed as a high-risk pregnancy so I was having an ultrasound every week. I was also told it was going to be difficult to carry the baby full term as the uterus she was in was so small.
“Stella was actually born nine days late at 41 weeks, they had to induce me to get her out.
“She was born a healthy baby with no real issues, although I had to have my septum cut so she could push past it.
“The two cervixes are separated with a small piece of tissue which is called a septum. They thought I was going to need an emergency C-section and everything was in place ready for me to go, but I was able to have her without.
“Around one in 5000 women have this condition and I was the first in the hospital I was in to have it.
“Looking back on it I was so blessed, the team was so supportive. It was very mellow even though many didn’t know what the condition was, they were very professional.
Stephanie didn’t realise she had Uterus Didelphys until she was diagnosed at 23 by a gynaecologist. This condition rarely shows any symptoms, so unless being examined properly, many won't know they have it.
Stephanie adds: “I would always struggle with very heavy periods, but I wouldn’t say I had anything abnormal.
“I then realised they were so heavy because I was bleeding from both cervixes, but I never thought anything of it I just assumed it was normal.
“It would also hurt putting a tampon in, but again I just assumed it was normal, I didn’t realise it was on the septum, and it would just go into either side.
“Stella was in my left cervix, which meant she only grew on the left side of my stomach, so I was really lopsided when I was pregnant.
“There wasn’t much room for her to move when she was growing, and it made the doctors nervous that she wasn’t going to be able to flip over when she got bigger.
“But she was absolutely fine and ended up being late. She is such a healthy baby I am so grateful.
“It is so cool but also so weird to think about. I have a sister and she doesn’t have it, neither does anyone in my family.
“I get people asking me about my labour, but I think they are just curious. She is absolutely perfect; it was all in the timing.”