And other stories from the stranger side of life
A US woman received more than 100 Amazon packages she didn’t order, including headlamps, glue guns and binoculars. Cindy Smith, from Virginia, said she had received about 1,000 headlamps, 800 glue guns and dozens of pairs of binoculars. She said she drove around with the unwanted products in her car, offering them to anyone she met. “A lot of people told me I was weird,” she told WUSA-TV. An expert said that sellers in China pick random addresses and send unwanted stock there to clear their warehouses.
Apple trainers on sale for £38,000
A pair of Apple branded trainers have gone up for sale for $50,000 (£38,722). The extremely rare shoes, which feature the vintage rainbow Apple log, were custom-made for company staff in the 1990s and given away at a sales conference. Auctioneer Sotheby’s described the shoes as among “the most obscure in existence”. The shoes’ condition is “consistent with age,” it added. “Should you be tempted, you’d better be sure you want them”, said Sky News, “as they are not eligible for return”.
‘Territorial clashes’ on Spanish beaches
Spanish residents are “adopting radical tactics” in the “battle” with British tourists for “precious space” on the beach, said The Times. Amid “territorial clashes”, locals are “getting up with the birds” to plant their national flags in the sand to claim a place in the sun before the British arrive, said the paper. Tensions are high at the southeast Costa Blanca resorts of Torrevieja and Benidorm. One man “stood with his arms crossed defiantly as if he were ready to defend his territory against any invaders”, it added.
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