A woman has made friends with a wild fox which wanders into her house - and she's even given the creature its own bed.
The animal first appeared in Louisa Connolly-Burnham's garden last year but now visits almost every day and even has its own bed.
Actress Louisa, 29, who has starred in Call the Midwife and The Call Centre, shares videos with her TikTok fans of the fox which she has fondly named Phil.
Clips seen hundreds of thousands of times show Phil eating out of her hand, wandering around her house and curling up in its own bed.
"She turned up about a year ago," Louisa told My London.
"I wandered into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and she was just sitting there staring at me. She scared me half to death actually.

"She was clearly young and very skinny so I gave her some chicken and water and she's come back every day since basically."
In one video, Louisa can be heard quickly ushering the fox out of her house as her boyfriend shouts from the other room.
Louisa, originally from Solihull, West Midlands, said: "She just wandered in when I wasn't looking and I couldn't find her and my boyfriend freaked out as he was eating his dinner on the sofa. It was hilarious. Absolute pandemonium.
"She wanders in all the time now and he's just learnt to accept it - as he should, for she is our tangerine baby."

The actress revealed that she has been giving the fox food, but makes sure she is always very gentle with her.
She said: "She was pretty ballsy from the beginning to be honest but I definitely think she's got more and more comfortable as times gone by. I've hand fed her since she was small so I think she knows my smell.
"I always sit on the floor with her so I'm at her level, not towering over her, I talk softly to her and I'm very gentle and slow with my movements so as not to frighten her. Although our relationship has become quite playful now as she's so relaxed with me, she's always play-fighting with me and jumping up and making funny noises.

"She has her own bowl and bed outside our kitchen so she likes to have a little snooze and a stroke after her supper."
Louisa revealed that the fox's visits are the best part of her day and said: "I feel very emotionally connected to her which probably makes me sound nuts but ahh well.
"I'm not allowed a dog as I'm renting so I sort of feel like I've cheated the system by making friends with a cheeky little fluffy orange street dog instead.
"I love her very much and hope she visits forever [and] moves in with her babies."