A student was left mortified about she got a tattoo of her favourite song lyrics - but then realised she'd got the words wrong. TikTok user Sophie Croft decided she wanted her very first tattoo to be from the Abba song Slipping Through My Fingers.
But in the clip, posted on her @sophiecroftt TikTok page, she looks embarrassed as she holds her head in her hands and then shows off the design injected into her skin. She then reveals that she has the words "I let precious time slip by" tattooed on her ribcage - but explains "It's 'go by' not slip."
Sophie uploaded the clip with the caption: "Got the wrong word tatted on me. Never getting another tattoo in my life," the Daily Star reported. TikTok users took to the comments section under the video to lend their support to the embarrassed student.
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"Someone tweet Abba and get them to change the lyrics," one person wrote, while another said, "Slip is better!" Sophie joked in a reply to a comment: "I’m going to the Abba headquarters in the morning and getting them to change it." Others suggested that the error actually made Sophie's tattoo more unique.

"It's a good think bc [sic] now it's unique," one person said. Another quipped: "Nah babe, you just combined the title of the song with the lyric, it's context." Another commenter joked: "The lyrics slipped through your fingers."
Another TikTok user commented on their own tattoo mishap. "I did the same with a quote from Harry Potter! I forgot "even" in the quote: 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only..."