No matter who we are and where we’re from, all of us can have a positive impact on our environment and how society thinks. Repairing things, holding on to them for longer, buying secondhand, and even repurposing other people’s trash can go a long way when it comes to reducing humanity’s impact on our home planet.
The Dumpster Diving group is a very old and popular online community that encourages people to try their hand at, you guessed it, dumpster diving, as well as to share all their cool finds. Today, we’re featuring some of the most intriguing and valuable things that members of this community discovered. Scroll down to check out their hauls!
#1 Raccoon Rescue
Last night I was feeding homeless cat colonies (almost all cats have been TNRd) and happened to glance in the dumpster at one spot. Good thing I did! One of the juvenile raccoons had gotten in and couldn’t get out. I had JUST found an aluminum ladder being thrown away on someone’s lawn and was adding it to my next scrap run, so I put it into the dumpster. The poor little thing was so terrified it looked like it had tears in its eyes and started hiding its head like if it couldn’t see me it would be safe. The woman who runs the cat org sent a sweet fella who lives across the street to help so I could continue feeding, and he texted a few minutes later to say it got out. That’s the third animal rescue in just over 24 hours 🫠 I’m thankful I can be of service to the innocent.

Image credits: Wonderful_Ride_4162
#2 Found This One Last Night
I found this beauty by the dumpster while walking my pooch last night. Almost 70% of my plants are from the dives. It's kinda sad but i get free plants 🤭.
She needs some help (has some pests, but I'm treating all my plants rn so might as well try to save her).
I feel so lucky.

Image credits: BitterSweetDrops
#3 I Found Cookies! 🍪

Image credits: RelevantReserve2454
As per Statista, over 2 billion metric tons of municipal solid waste is generated worldwide every single year. It’s estimated that by 2050 this number is bound to grow by around 70%.
Meanwhile, humankind produces more than 350 million metric tons of plastic waste each year, which is set to triple by 2060. The lifespan of plastic products is around 10 years on average, but some plastics can take up to half a millennium to decompose.
#4 Curb Your Enthusiasm
I saw it refinished in my mind - made it happen.

Image credits: DerGodzillaMeister
#5 Best Dumpster Finds
An adorable cat which now lives with me, an absolute unit of a rock salt lamp (legit 45 lbs) and two solid wood office cabinets.

Image credits: PreppyFinanceNerd
#6 I Live In Near Houston Texas. 2 Weeks Ago, I Found This 1950s Sled In A Trash Pile On Someone's Curb. Today We Had A Very Rare Snowstorm And Actually Got To Use It! It Was A Huge Hit With All Of The Kids On The Sled Hill. It Goes Very Fast Too!

Image credits: Riflemaiden1992
As for edible produce, globally, a trillion dollars worth of food is thrown away each year. It’s estimated that in 2022, the world produced 1.05 billion tons of food waste, with an average amount of 132 kilograms of food waste per capita, 79 kilograms of which was household waste.
Food waste generates between 8% and 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and takes up almost 30% of agricultural land globally, as reported by the United Nations in its 2024 Environment Programme's Food Waste Report.
#7 Someone Would Argue This Is The Most Fruitful Haul I’ve Ever Had

Image credits: Nathaniel820
#8 My Last Dive

Image credits: Aggravating-List3941
#9 Unbelievable Find
Found on the street, person threw it out because the dog “ chewed the cord “ bought a 20$ cord and fixed it within 2 days.

Image credits: Such-Echidna2351
The Dumpster Diving subreddit has been inviting people to have “fun with garbage” since 2009. In the nearly 16 years since being created, the community has grown to 339k members. The focus of the sub sharing advice, information, and first-hand accounts about finding cool stuff in the trash. Internet users are also encouraged to share the cool stuff they made out of what’s been thrown away.
Obviously, no matter how environmentally conscious you are, your health and safety should come first. Don’t start dumpster diving without a plan just because you saw a post online about someone finding a giant TV, cool furniture, or something else spectacular. Think ahead. Have a plan. Be prepared. Have the right gear. Take care of your hygiene. And don’t do anything risky: saving some money on a cool knick-knack is not worth sacrificing your life for.
#10 Found This 55” TV Sitting Outside Of My Apartment Complex's Dumpster. Thought I Would Fix Whatever’s Wrong With It, But There’s Nothing Wrong With It!

Image credits: Boogachoog
#11 Specialty Cheese Haul 🫨

Image credits: SmittyXC
#12 Does Back Alley Trash Cans Count As Dd? Gotta Love Bulk Trash 🥹

Image credits: ADHDplus
You also shouldn’t break the law. You should not go dumpster diving if your local laws prohibit it or in private territories. You ought to bring a good pair of gloves and boots so you don’t hurt your hands and feet. Naturally, you should wear sturdy clothing you don’t mind getting dirty so you don’t hurt yourself.
#13 The Kids Have Just Got Into DVD And The Dumpster Provided, Just In Time For Christmas Too :)

Image credits: buzz_uk
#14 Dumpster Adjacent Find!

Image credits: flanksteakfan82
#15 Score Behind The Green Wall

Image credits: drtbheemn
Having a small step ladder or something similar can help you get inside and out of dumpsters more easily. When you’re done, clean up after yourself. For instance, you should close the lid of the dumpster after you’re done perusing its contents so that wild animals don’t get inside: they might get stuck inside and get hurt or worse.
#16 Saw A Guy Unloading A Trailer With This Stuff At The Dump And As Soon As He Left I Saved These Pieces

Image credits: oddlyUranusKhan
#17 Our First Kitty Find
We did not keep, while still a baby, she/he was quite feral but needed a boost out of the pretty empty dumpster. We probably should keep a crate handy of this happens again so we can take to a shelter or TNR program.

Image credits: Common_Relation_7694
#18 Found A Tiny Glass Chicken. 😃 The Day’s Highlight LOL

Image credits: Ducks_are_people
Look, the fact is that you’re bound to find some really awesome things that have been thrown out, left on the curb, sold in secondhand stores, or yeeted into dumpsters.
However, before you thank your lucky stars, you should seriously slow down and think about what it is you’ve uncovered. Some items are very dangerous to bring home. Others can pose serious health risks. In some cases, another person’s trash isn’t your treasure—it’s still trash that should be disposed of for everyone’s sake.
#19 From My Local Fancy Italian Deli

Image credits: RedHelvetiCake
#20 Second Day Of Bath And Body Works Candle Weekend!!! 85 Candles Today (I Found 55 Yesterday!!)…along With 8 Hand Soaps, 2 Sprays, 2 Body Washes, 4 Lotions, 1 Hand Sanitizer, 2 Plug Ins, A Light Up Candle Stand And 46 Plug In Refills 😂

Image credits: IntelligentYogurt427
#21 And The Award Goes To… The Guy (Me) Who Found An 18k Cartier Necklace In A Bin Under Some Cut Up 2x6’s!!

Image credits: Capable-Hippo600
Some items can become damaged with use, so they lose their primary function. And it’s not always obvious at first glance. According to MarketWatch, some things that you should never get secondhand include car seats, helmets, and baby cribs.
They might have undetectable damage, so, as a rule of thumb, don’t use them if you find them thrown out. In this case, buying new is very much recommended.
#22 Someone Tossed Out A Huge Intelivision Lot!

Image credits: Cult7Choir
#23 Recent Trash Finds

Image credits: Gabenolan109
#24 I Found A Sterling Silver Bowl In A Thrift Store Dumpster! 61.9oz!
So yesterday I found this bowl in a thrift store dumpster! Got it tested if it was actually silver, and it is! It’s 3lbs 13.9oz, (61.9oz). This is by far my best find!

Image credits: Ducks_are_people
Other things that you should avoid getting secondhand include knives, toy chests without safety hinges, blenders, recalled toys, and anything older that looks like it might have lead paint.
Meanwhile, avoid getting secondhand phones, too. For one, you don’t know if the device may have been stolen. And secondly, you don’t know that it doesn’t have malware on it.
#25 Brass Candleholder Pulled From The Metal Bin. Before And After

Image credits: DeathscytheHell1994
#26 Still Picking My Jaw Up Off The Floor

Image credits: cheats47
#27 Filling Up Free Little Food Pantry
Anyone else constantly filling up their local little food pantries? Star Wars oreos, pixie sticks, hot fries, chips, energy drinks, pasta, and candy today! (I didn’t donate the baby food- that ish looks gross) Definitely recommend for all these pallets of good boxed and canned food we find!

Image credits: Responsible_Tip_8024
You should also avoid bringing home things like mattresses that you find on the curb or in a dumpster.
They could have bedbugs in them that could spread throughout your home or they could be contaminated with microorganisms that can then infect you and seriously harm your health.
#28 Crazy What People Toss Out

Image credits: Gabenolan109
#29 Filled Up A Food Pantry With My Finds Today. It Felt Great😄

Image credits: bearsilu2
#30 Scored A Lotta Free Pot

Image credits: SwimSacredCacti
What are the coolest and weirdest things you’ve ever found on the curb or in the trash, dear Pandas?
Have you ever gone dumpster diving? If so, what inspired you to do it? Was it out of necessity or because you wanted to live a more eco-friendly life?
We’d love to hear your thoughts on this! Share yours in the comments.
#31 Tonight's Groceries

Image credits: paltsosse
#32 All Of This One Bag

Image credits: Ok_Antelope_9647
#33 Was Anybody Else In A Dumpster When The Ball Dropped...?
One of the best nights of the year to dive. or at least my road dog thinks so. highlights included ribeyes and a 12 pack of hard seltzers... bananas and peppers galore, bacon, eggs, yogurt, flour, oranges, potatoes, kale salad out the ying-yang and about 10 gallons of milk. guess I gotta get crackin and convert that to yogurt soon.
Well anyway, hope ya'll had as much fun as I did this NYE!

Image credits: ---raph---
#34 Recent Trash Finds

Image credits: Gabenolan109
#35 No Luck At BBW Struck Gold With Groceries
Not pictured: 3 gallons of milk i'm currently making paneer with, a bunch of bananas, 2 large boxes of grapes (both red and green 🤠).
before you tell me i'm going to get sick, the frozen stuff was at the bottom and it was still totally frozen, so i knew the meat on top was still good.

Image credits: plentiful_bounty
#36 Starbucks Gift Card With $37.81 Still On It! Found In Random Dumpster

Image credits: Ducks_are_people
#37 Recent Trash Finds

Image credits: Gabenolan109
#38 Why Is A Trash Can Almost $150? Surprising Find This Morning
I live in a complex and the last 10ish days of the month, the dumpsters become full. This morning I found a nice long skinny table for our entryway. My partner came out with me and saw this trashcan and wanted it. I got curious and looked it up, the thing is $150. My particular building has local contractors who come in and out every couple of months. They always trash perfectly good stuff. And whilst I wonder why…..I’m also so, so grateful.
Not posted, but whoever threw this out, also threw out a bin full of clothes that were my partner's size.

Image credits: Typical_Sunrise29
#39 Update On Dumpster Chair Before And After!
Disinfected, steam cleaned, and patched. Total investment $6. Never stated it but the reason. I put the effort in is because the build quality is actually very good.

Image credits: ghostbook4
#40 One Man's Trash

Image credits: alecatucla
#41 Epic Beer Haul

Image credits: m_cMjolnir
#42 Saved Him
This guy has been hanging in a balcony in my apartment complex for a decade - the crew remodeling tried to toss him so he's mine now.

Image credits: rarzwon
#43 Found This Working Tablet In The Dump
Found this ZZB and a non working rca tablet together. a quick reset later and now it's good as new.

Image credits: DeathscytheHell1994
#44 What A Waste Glad I Could Save From Landfill

Image credits: audiomind88
#45 Why Do I Want To Start A Bakery?

Image credits: whatwouldBuffyread
#46 I Found A Stroller With A $550 Price Tag

Image credits: QueenAng429
#47 Todays Haul - Beer, Tomatos, Cherry Juice, & More Pizzas Again

Image credits: TheForgottenExplorer
#48 What Should I Do With This? I Felt Bad Just Leaving It There. It’s So Intricate

Image credits: Ducks_are_people
#49 Recent Trash Finds

Image credits: Gabenolan109
#50 Christmas Came Early!

Image credits: HeadFull0fPebbles