It's a painting that evokes memories in every Glaswegian, capturing a snapshot of tenement life in the city.
Avril Paton's watercolour Windows In The West has been reproduced thousands of times and is a fixture in the homes of many Glaswegians and expats - and even found itself featured on the silver screen after appearing in T2 Trainspotting.
Painted in 1993 and purchased by Glasgow Museums in 1996, it hangs in the Kelvingrove Art Gallery & Museum - where countless hard numbers of Glaswegians have no doubt stood in front of it over the years and tried to guess which street is featured in it.
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For those who might not know, the painting depicts a snowy tenement block located on Saltoun Street at the corner of Roxburgh Street in the Dowanhill area, a short walk from Byres Road in the west end.
The artist was living opposite the tenement when she painted the watercolour, with the scene showing the view from her attic window at Athole Gardens overlooking the tenement following a sudden heavy blizzard which took place in the early evening.
It took Avril Paton six months to paint, and is so big that she started painting it while kneeling down on the floor. And interestingly, having started it in the winter, the painting wasn't finished until June of 1994 amid a heatwave in Glasgow.
Speaking about the painting in a 2011 interview with Glasgow Museums, Avril said this caused her some difficulty as the snow was the last part to be added - and said that the car tracks in the snow (on the right-hand side) is the part she is most pleased with.
She also revealed that the residents depicted going about their daily lives in the tenement - which were added to the painting once the tenement itself was painted - are all real people.
The artist said: "All of it is real, there isn't anything in that picture that is invented because I didn't know at that time that this picture was going to become a popular painting and find its way into a public domain because if I had known that I would have hesitated to put in real people who might have objected However I didn't know that. So all the people are real".
People might also be unaware that she included a much younger version of herself in the painting, attending 'Norman's party' in the first-floor tenement on the left-hand side - as she did occasionally in real-life.
As for why it is called Windows In the West, Avril said: "For one it is in the west end of Glasgow and two it's in the western hemisphere of the world.
"It's a stone building and depicts the kind of life that people live in the west as opposed to the east in a very broad sense."
Back in December of 2005, John Gilbert Architects set up a photo mirroring the painting after completing external repairs to the walls and roof of the tenement.
And not only does the photo help show what the real tenement looks like, it also helps illustrate just how spectacular Avril Paton's depiction of it was!
Article first published on December 28, 2021.
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