Hello wonderful PEDESTRIAN.TV readers. Whether you’ve been a loyal fan since ye olden days or are a recent covert to our spicy content, we love you all — and for that reason, we want to do our very best for you every goddamn day.
We need your help though! By giving us the lowdown on what you’re into, what you give a shit about, what you don’t give two fucks about and what you’d love to see more of on our site, we can bring you the kind of content you actually want to read.

And by giving us an insight into the issues that affect you, day-to-day, we can dive into these topics on PEDESTRIAN.TV and actually help you navigate what you’re struggling with.
All you have to do is head to this survey right HERE and answer a few simple questions about what blows your skirt up, content-wise.
In exchange for your help, we’re giving away a $500 Uber Eats voucher to one lucky reader. Think of all the burgers you could potentially receive just for answering a few quick Qs. It’s a no-brainer, really.
All the terms and conditions for this competition can be found HERE. Happy answering, and hopefully, eating.
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