New Centre Court debentures at Wimbledon have risen to £116,000, a 45 per cent increase.
The 2,520 debentures available will cover the Championships from 2026 to 2030 and would be the equivalent of paying £1,657 for every day of play on Centre Court during that period.
Should they all successfully sell, it would equate to an income of £292.3million for the Championships.
The All England Club plans to use at least some of the proceeds towards its multi-million pound redevelopment plans, which still hang in the balance and are awaiting a decision from City Hall.
The seats are among the most coveted at Wimbledon’s main show court, on the same level as the Royal Box, and include access to the luxury debenture holders’ restaurant.
Debenture holders can sell or give away their seat on the days they cannot attend.
The debenture cost for 2021-25 had been £80,000, already an increase of 60 per cent on the previous sum.
Applications for debentures close on Friday, April 26.