This week, Nigel Farage told MPs that a senior Donald Trump adviser said that Diego Garcia in the Chagos archipelago is “the most important island on the planet as far as America was concerned”. Does Trump know that its mean height above sea level is just 4ft? If so, will he stop gambling with its future now and take real action to combat climate change?
Julie Gale
• Ian Simmons was not alone in storing his Lego in National Dried Milk tins (Letters, 13 November). They were, like 35mm film canisters, in the vanguard of cylindrical storage solutions.
John Thompson
• Dried milk tins with string threaded through holes made in the sides made excellent, if very short, stilts for me and my friends in the 1950s. No NHS packaging can provide so much joy now.
Gillian Bassett
Great Barford
• My mother stuffed a number of National Dried Milk tins with old tights, and then covered the whole lot in fabric to make an interesting and attractively shaped footstool.
Helen Tissington
• League tables for NHS hospitals (Report, 13 November)? What could possibly go wrong? After all, it works so well in schools.
Ian Reissmann
Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire
• Re the scientific study (Report, 14 November) on insincerity and the modern habit of abbreviation- and emoji-led communication: 🤔🤷♂️
Simeon Gilchrist
East Sheen, London