It's no secret that Piccadilly Gardens could do with a bit of a facelift.
Most of us have probably at least muttered something disparaging while walking past the tatty brown sludge where grass used to be.
At this stage, it's probably a bit of a stretch to keep calling them gardens.
And it turns out the criticisms become even more brutal when the conversation makes its way online.
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We had a trawl through TripAdvisor to find out what others thought of what could once be considered the jewel in Manchester city centre's crown.
They didn't hold back.
1983luket, of Manchester, in his review used one of the most impressive metaphors we've ever seen.

Simply, it states: "This place is like the Wild wild west meets Jeremy Kyle meets shameless meets walking dead meets pineapple express.
"Spiced up zombie homeless. Shoplifters exchanging stolen goods. Kids still dealing weed near Cafe Nero and Rice so blatantly obviously. The place is such a let down."
And it doesn't end there, with plenty of visitors leaving less than positive reviews of the city centre plaza.
Rebecca K said: "Avoid avoid . If your can try walk around it rather than through it. The only positive about is Morrison’s market place that’s if."

malc1005 added: "It is a lovely area, but you do need to have your wits about you, lots of homeless, drinkers, and beggars, who do get quite verbal and aggressive at times. We did not venture there after dark. Which is a shame."
In response to this find, we asked you on our Facebook page for your thoughts. Unsurprisingly, they weren't much better.
Kevin Smith said: "It's a dump! Not something MCC should be proud of. Time to pave the entire area, won't look as scruffy & save thousands on the need to returf every year!"
Mike Brady simply put: "Piccadilly Gardens absolute disgrace."

And one more from Douglas James: "It hasn’t been a garden for over a decade but more of a concrete jungle."
After what feels like decades campaigning, new plans have finally been unveiled for a £25m rejuvenation of the gardens.
It will see the notorious concrete pavilion, which currently houses Cafe Nero and an empty unit, split in two with the canopy removed.
A new art installation made of metal, glass and LED lighting on the walls would feature thread-like lines and holes in a nod to Manchester’s cotton industry, according to the plans.
Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for Piccadilly Gardens yet.

A Manchester City Council spokesperson responded saying the gardens were 'worn down' over the festive period.
They said: “Over the festive period, Piccadilly Gardens was the hub of the Christmas Markets and saw hundreds of thousands of visitors over the holiday season, which has meant the grass in some areas has been worn down.
"The post-Christmas clean-up program has been delayed due to bad weather. Cathedral Gardens has already been re-turfed and Piccadilly Gardens is next, the turf will be laid as soon as possible once we receive it."