EA released a new Wild Hearts trailer showcasing the hunting RPG’s gameplay for the first time since its announcement. The trailer is a meaty one, clocking in at seven minutes, and it follows a hunter as they track down a massive boar monster that looks like it fused with a tree at some point in the recent past.
Awe-inspiring as this fantastical monster is, the environments it roams freely across – for the time being – are equally impressive. The tree boar first appears in an otherwise serene field full of flowers, before eventually leading the hunter on a chase through a dimly lit bamboo forest and ending the encounter near a massive cherry blossom tree infusing the arena with its dusky pink hue.
What makes this Wild Hearts trailer stand out even more, though, is the building mechanic. A previous trailer suggested the hunter could invent things on the fly, and it looks like that holds true. The new trailer shows the hunter imagining and building a number of contraptions, including a zipline that lets them reach the field where their quarry awaits.
It looks like this same power also comes in handy during combat, both with weapon enhancements and getting a height advantage, so Wild Hearts may just be able to carve itself a firm niche alongside Monster Hunter after all.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF