A man has hit back at his wife who promised to get their 21-day-old daughter plastic surgery because she inherited his "ugly" features. He explained how his baby girl was born with his thin lips, big nose and widow's peak in her hairline, while his son came out as a carbon copy of his wife.
He considers both of his children to be "perfect and noble" - but his wife is struggling to see past their daughter's "unfortunate" appearance. Taking to Reddit, the dad-of-two said: "Our first child, our son, looks very much like her. If you look at baby photos of my wife, they look almost exactly like our son’s baby photos.
"My wife is a looker, so my son is damn cute. Our daughter got a bit more of my side’s gene pool. Nearly every day in my daughter’s 21 days on this earth, my wife has made a comment to baby girl about how she’s so sad she got daddy’s features."

But not only did his wife promise to pay for their daughter's nose job in the future, but to also sort out her "pencil lips".
"Some of the things my wife has said to baby girl are 'I wish you got more of my features. My family is beautiful and all the women are timeless. Your dad's family, not so much'," he added.
"Up until yesterday, I was taking a softer approach with comments like, 'Ok, be nice' and 'Ok chillax'.
"But today I had enough and just snapped and yelled at her for like five minutes straight, and I cursed quite a bit too."
He ordered her to stop putting those statements out into the universe - and reminded her how their son could understand every word she was saying.
The dad said: "She’s three-weeks-old and is still perfect and noble and hasn’t hurt a goddamn soul. Stop projecting onto her.
"You regularly tell me how your mum messed up your psyche with all her comments about your appearance so why are you doing the same to baby girl?
"She was understandably hurt by my comments and we haven’t really talked about it or debriefed since."
Recognising his wife could be suffering from post-partum depression considering she was diagnosed with anxiety and depression during her pregnancy, he has taken to Reddit to ask users whether he was too harsh on her.
He asked: "I know yelling and berating people is rarely the right thing - so am I in the wrong here?"
In response, one user said: "Who promises a three-week-old plastic surgery because they take after their father? She needs to talk to a professional."
Another user added: "This sounds like some post-partum to me, especially if this is unlike her normal behaviour."
A third user said: "She's literally talking about plastic surgery to her daughter - that is vile. If your wife finds your features so unattractive, why did she marry you?"
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