I actually burst into tears today trying to get Ovo Energy to listen.
I moved into my house – previously two flats – in August 2022. The previous owners had one gas meter and two electricity meters serving different areas.
I arranged for the upstairs electricity meter to be removed and paid Ovo £160. This was done and we submitted the final meter reading for it in November 2022.
However, Ovo did not remove the meter from my account and continued to charge us a daily standing charge. I went on maternity leave that December and had to continue to pay double what our bill should have been.
Ovo assured me the account for the nonexistent meter would disappear, but this never happened. I complained to the Energy Ombudsman, which found in my favour, but I still haven’t been refunded the balance that built up. On its website, I still have two accounts. The nonexistent meter has a credit of more than £1,200.
I just want my money back.
HH, Eastbourne
You are in good company wrangling with Ovo. According to a Which? 2023 survey it was one of the worst-performing firms.
Your situation was complicated – the electricity meters were recorded on the national database with their ID numbers switched – but there is no excuse for the length of time this has dragged on.
After we asked Ovo to investigate, it swiftly processed your refund, plus £150 compensation.
It says: “We’ve provided a goodwill gesture to apologise, and our team will continue to be on hand to provide further support if needed.”
Which? is right. Energy companies need to take urgent action to improve customer service.
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