Parents-to-be are being warned over calling their babies by these names after they've been dubbed the 'most stressful' baby names.
Anyone who is planning to welcome a baby boy or girl in 2024 might be looking to add to their list of possible baby names, but while they're browsing the celebrity-inspired baby names or the most popular baby names from the past 24 years, there are a few you need to wipe from your lists - especially if you want your child to have a stress-free future.
The BabyCentre has released two baby names (one boy's and one girl's name) according, to its most recent data for 2022, one has a staggering 17 spelling variations of the name spelling in its birth registrations while the other has 10.
Children called by the names Aiden (also spelt Aidan, Aydan, and Aiydan to name but a few) or Elianna - which has 10 variations including Elliana, and Elianna - could be facing a lifetime of having to spell out their names, as parents choose multiple versions making them the two baby names that could prove difficult to get right first time.
In a recent survey carried out by BabyCentre, parents acknowledge that the spelling of their chosen baby name was an important factor in determining whether the baby name was a 'classic' or 'unusual' version.
Not only is an unusual spelling adding to the stress the child will have when it's older from having to correct people who misspell it or have to spell out their name in full. It will also cause the parents added stress in an official capacity, as they try to get the correct version written down when making important phone calls. Whether it's calls about school absences or medical appointments - the correct spelling is vital for finding records and not being mistaken for another child.

As a result, the organisation has decided to no longer combine variations of the same name within its baby name rankings. Faye Mingo, chief marketing officer at BabyCentre UK, explained, "Parents are choosing to set their new arrivals apart from the crowd with unique spellings of traditional names. Unusually spelt names have been growing in popularity, and we think this is a trend that is set to continue this year.
"While you might not hear the difference from the classic spelling when you call to your child in the playground, parents are still looking to tweak traditional monikers to give them a twist that is uniquely theirs.
"Though it might mean a few pronunciation lessons and misspelt coffee cups in their future, we think parents want to honour how special their children are with a name that is just for them."
Variations for Aiden
- Aiden
- Aaden
- Aadhan
- Aayden
- Aden
- Aedan
- Aèdan
- Aeden
- Aidan
- Aidhen
- Aidhin
- Aiydan
- Aydan
- Ayden
- Aydhin
- Aydin
- Aydon
Variations for Eliana
- Eliana
- Eliyana
- Eliyanah
- Elliannah
- Elianna
- Eliyahna
- Elliana
- Ellianna
- Ellyana
- Elyana
Meanwhile, for a selection of less stressful names you might want to look at the rising baby names for 2024 that experts 'never saw coming' and 180+ old fashioned baby names that are making a comeback (and we love #13).