The Night Agent's killer couple are completely stealing the Netflix hit with their hilarious antics of baths, babies, and house-hunting (in between trying to shoot people).
Personally, I'm just over halfway through watching the gripping series and am completely transfixed by the ruthless killers/loving young pair who are at the heart of the thriller.
They seem to be going through familiar troubles: she wants to start a family/ he doesn’t, she'd like a nice big house/he’s not sure he wants to settle down… would the mortgage company accept assassin as a job title (probably counts as self-employed?!)?
Now, to be fair, The Night Agent's killer couple are initially terrifying...
OK, let’s go back to the start. Ellen and Dale — see they sound like a sweet couple already — make their grand entrance in episode one to kill our heroine Rose's aunt and uncle (who turn out to be secret agents). At this point, Ellen (Eve Harlow) and Dale (Phoenix Raei) are everything you'd expect from professional assassins — cold, ruthless, and generally not the type of people you want to argue with. But the mask literally slips in episode one.
Daft Dale makes a rookie assassin mistake by taking his balaclava off (come on, didn't they teach you anything at assasin school?) resulting in Rose seeing his face.
Thus The Night Agent plot is essentially set up with Rose and Peter, the night agent she calls for help, beginning their quest for the truth behind who killed Rose's family and the Metro bombing, while Ellen and Dale try to bump them off.
The Baby scene

We must talk about the baby scene! This is where things start getting weird and interesting. Dale straps a baby carrier on — he's a modern "dad" after all, not just a baddie — as the couple calls at the house of their next victim. Ellen pretends she grew up in the house and the poor victim, looking at the happy little family they make, invites them in.
Of course, the baby isn't really Ellen and Dale's. After dispatching the victim, Ellen shows her housekeeping skills by adjusting a photo before then touching up her lippy! And then they hold hands — bless!
We already get the impression he's the measured one, while she's much more impulsive. Indeed there's then a funny scene in episode two where they get stopped by a traffic cop and her immediate reaction is to reach for her gun to blast him, while Dale places a steading hand on her: "Just smile and take your ticket".
Shoulder massage

Dale's bosses make it clear to him over the phone that they want Rose dead. So far so everyday assassin and evil boss conversation, but then Ellen starts giving Dale a shoulder massage mid-call! She doesn't look impressed when he wanders off, either. Perhaps massages aren't Dale’s thing?
At this point the evil baddies reveal that Dale brought Ellen into his team two years ago… so they’ve been dating for two years! A perfect time to settle down… We next see them trying to take Rose out at her hotel; worth noting here that Dale is an awful shot! After the bungled hotel attempt, Ellen lets out a scream only for Dale to lovingly stroke her hand and say they just need a little Patience (as Take That once sang). "I love you with everything," says Ellen, to which Dale replies; "I Love you too". Aww, they're so cute, and then just as they're about to make love their bloody boss calls. Come on!
Our new home!
By episode three they're going house hunting. No, we’re not joking. "Want to see our new home?" Ellen asks Dale, who seems reluctant to take that nervy first step onto the property ladder. Come on Dale, Ellen says "It’s a very desirable neighborhood!" Quiet street as well! Ellen practically dances as she enters the house and declares they would definitely need two salaries for this! Erm, aren’t you guys meant to be cold-hearted killers?
"Open concept, private backyard… steam shower… jacuzzi tub… huge walk-in closets!" Come on Dale again! What’s not to love? Dale gets a bit grumpy at this point. Ellen is clearly fed up with the assassin lifestyle and although this may be just a hiding spot she really wants this lifestyle. "We could be happy here," pleads Ellen. "Buy a house with me, please!"
Sharing a big bubble bath
Yes, seriously if you've not seen this, by episode four our so-called brutal killers are sharing a loving bath together. There are a lot of bubbles, a scented candle, and Ellen is in domestic bliss. Dale, ever the party pooper, reminds her they can’t stay long as they need to get back to garroting people.
In the next scene, Dale's taken to wearing a pinny with the slogan "No Bitchin’ in my kitchen" and is doing the cooking! And it looks like he might be a good cook judging by all the peeling and chopping. And then the phone goes again… can’t you just leave them alone evil boss people?!
The future
By episode five they're doing that quintessential couple thing of having an argument in a car. "You promised no more motels, I didn’t think you meant we’d be living in a parking lot," glares Ellen. “I miss our baths". Dale, rather unconvincingly replies: "Me too". And then Ellen gets to the heart of the matter, she wanted to keep the baby they stole.
“Are you paying attention?!" she pleads. She wants a baby/Dale doesn’t. We're worried about the future of our Night Agent killer couple… if they’re not living in a beautiful home with a lovely big bath by the end of the series this is one The Night Agent fan who’s going to be seriously unhappy!