The ACT government plans to remove up to 102 "trees and large shrubs" from Sulwood Drive to allow the construction of a shared path and traffic lights.
On Monday, much of Sulwood Drive was closed to through traffic for at least three months to allow for the roadworks.
Sulwood Drive between Livingston Avenue and Inkster Street will be closed for 13 weeks to allow for the construction of traffic lights at the intersection with Mannheim Street. The traffic lights are due to be operating by August 5.
A three-metre-wide shared path for cyclists, pedestrians and scooter riders will then be built along Sulwood Drive between Drakeford and Athllon drives. An ACT government spokesperson said the trees and shrubs to be removed would be replaced.
"As part of the Sulwood Drive upgrade project, up to 102 trees and large shrubs are expected to be removed across the 4.2 kilometres of the project site to enable the shared use path to be constructed and traffic lights to be installed at the Mannheim Street and Sulwood Drive intersection," the spokesperson said.
"The project intends to plant up to 120 replacement trees to ensure the landscape amenity and canopy cover is retained. Trees and large shrubs will be planted in appropriate locations along Sulwood Drive and will aim to minimise the fire risk along this critical bushfire protection zone."
The current roadworks also include constructing a safe right-hand turn into the Mount Taylor car park. Informal off-road parking is allowed along Sulwood Drive at either end of the road closure. Pedestrian access to the nature reserve will be maintained "as much as possible".