Why is my peace lily drooping? Looking over to see your once-healthy plant withering away is enough to strike fear into the heart of any plant parent. Drooping leaves are no joke but luckily there are a few ways you can prevent them when it comes to caring for a peace lily.
It's no secret that houseplants can be rather dramatic when it comes to showing signs of struggle, similar to why bay tree leaves turn brown, peace lilies are no exception.
If you notice your peace lily leaves looking a little sad and droopy then there can be several reasons for this, we spoke to gardening expert Fiona Jenkins to get to the answers and find out how to stop it from happening again.
5 Factors Behind A Peace Lily Drooping
In most cases we can easily identify the problem with our plants, seasoned houseplant lovers will have already mastered how to clean plant leaves and know all the best fragrant house plants to make your house smell good. However, sometimes the code is a little harder to crack and drooping leaves appear seemingly out of nowhere.
Here are a few reasons behind peace lily leaves drooping...
1. Improper watering

Watering our plants can be a little tricker than it first seems, after all knowing how to care for an orchid is vastly different than knowing how to care for a peace lily. That's why when we're watering, we can often forget to water plants that need it more than others and vice versa. So if you're peace lily leaves have significantly drooped there's a chance it's thirsty or drowning.
"A good rule for watering this tropical plant is to only water when the top half of the soil is completely dry. If the peace lily is watered too much the roots can rot," says Fiona. "On the other hand, if it is underwatered the roots will shrivel and die." Finding a balanced approach, only watering when the plant is visibly dry, will avoid any future leaf drooping.
2. Incorrect levels of sunlight

Similar to why your peace lily leaves might turn yellow, an excess of sunlight can force their leaves to droop and become withered. Fiona says, "Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to droop. However, it does need sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis, or this can also lead to drooping."
Finding a spot where your peace lily can live in indirect sunlight is ideal, somewhere away from a window but a bright enough spot for it to soak in some of those rays.
3. Plant pests

It's something most of us dread, pest control. Whether it's knowing how to get rid of flies in your home or how to keep away flying ants in your garden, every season can pose a new threat to your plants. Unfortunately, your peace lily is not safe from pests either.
"Several pests may attack your peace lily including spider mites, mealybugs, and thrips," Fiona explains. Spider mites are minuscule and may be living on the underside of your peace lily's leaves, whereas mealybugs and thrips are a little easier to spot and can be anywhere on the body of your plant. Fiona also warns of fungus gnats which she says typically infest the top layer of the potting compost, these however can be removed by taking off the top layer of soil and replacing it with fresh.
For the other pests, Fiona recommends picking up some neem oil solution which you can spray over your plant, this will act as a natural deterrent without damaging your peace lily and its leaves. We've found a best-selling natural, ready-to-use DD Organic Neem Oil A Natural Garden Bug Spray for Plants at Amazon.
How do you revive a droopy peace lily?
Luckily drooping leaves are extremely easy to fix and are one of the few plant symptoms that can be reversed without any lasting damage to the plant itself.
Fiona recommends starting a regular care regime, with the first step being to put into place a balanced watering schedule. She says, "Remember to only water when the top half of the soil is completely dry, this will fix any over or under-watering issues." She also suggests routinely checking for any pests on your plant leaves, stems and topsoil often so you can treat them quickly before they become too big of a problem and your plant droops a little too far.
Should your peace lily still be drooping after you've altered all of these, then ensure it's not in direct sunlight as this could also lead to other problems such as yellowing or browning leaves.
Why your peace lily is drooping when the soil is moist
As mentioned previously, house plants are sensitive when it comes to the amount they're watered. Unlike how long you should water your lawn, houseplants can very quickly suffer from overwatering.
However, should you have successfully drained your plant and be sure the roots aren't drowning or rotting in excess moisture there is another reason its leaves are still drooping.
"It may be the water itself that is causing your peace lily leaves to turn droopy," says Fiona. Your average tap water contains fluoride and heaps of minerals that can cause major problems for sensitive plants such as peace lilies.
To remedy this, Fiona suggests opting for rainwater instead and if you don't have a water butt at your disposal then simply leaving some tap water out overnight can help reduce the concentration of any added minerals making it better for your plant's health.
Knowing how to diagnose your plant's symptoms makes tending to them a whole lot easier and a droopy peace lily is certainly no cause for alarm. Staying on top of a regular care routine for your plant will help avoid any drooping taking place and allow you to spot further issues should they arise.